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Adding your Logo

Upload your company logo to add to your invoices, quotes, and email signatures. Effectively present your brand identity and help encourage customer loyalty.

NOTE: This is only available for Premium users.

To add a company logo to Accelo:

  1. As an Admin user, click the Settings button and select Configuration.

  2. Under the General Config section, select Email Logo.

  3. Select Choose File, and browse your computer for a jpg, png or gif file - ideally with dimensions between 270pix wide and 70pix high.

  4. Once you have chosen a file, select Upload. Use the mouse to select/crop your image if it is too large.

  5. Click Save to confirm.

Changing your Module Titles

Many clients choose to rename Modules in Accelo to fit their industry needs. For instance, your sales Database could easily be renamed from Clients to Companies or Customers if it makes more sense to how you run your business. Or if your team prefers Issues/Cases over Tickets, you can simply follow the directions below and change the name as you see fit.

To change Module titles in Accelo:

  1. Click the Settings button and select Configuration.

  2. Under General Config select Module Titles.

  3. Use the Singular label and the Plural label fields below each module heading on this page to change the name of that module.

  4. Click Save to confirm.

Changing your Activity Settings

Edit your settings for how your emails and activities are treated in Accelo. Ensure that the time you work on writing an email is logged properly.

To edit your activity settings:

  1. Click the Modules button (accelo.ModuleButton.pngand select Configuration.

  2. Under Activities & Emails select Settings.

  3. Change settings as needed.

  4. Click Save.

There are a variety of settings that can be changed.

By default, a time increment minimum of 5 minutes of time will be logged for each activity in your timesheet. If you would prefer, edit this time to be higher or lower depending on your preference.

Save your team time by choosing to auto-fill details on your Timesheet in the Work Log Body.

Accelo recommends choosing the option to create a Detailed Timesheet Entry (Optional) in order to provide the option to add more details to the work entries logged in your Timesheet. This is useful if you bill for your time, as it will allow you to account for all your team’s time. This option can be changed to a Quick Timesheet Entry, which will not show any details, or a Required Detailed Timesheet Entry, which will require your team to enter details for every Timesheet entry they create.

Adding your Email Signature

Create a custom signature to be automatically added at the end of email messages you send.

There are two types of signatures you can create: company-wide default signature or a personal per-user signature.

Admin account holders can create an overall company signature via the Admin settings screen. Company-wide signatures are applied to all users who haven't defined their own personal signatures.

To edit the company-wide signature template:

  1. Click the Modules button and select Configuration.

  2. Under General Config select Email Signature.

  3. Use the built-in variables to create a signature template for your users.

  4. Click Save to confirm.

An individual user can personalize their signature from the User Profile page. This is great for adding or tweaking your signature to include information that isn’t found within the company-wide signature, such as your own Skype account or Twitter handle.

To edit your personal signature:

  1. Click on your User Profile Icon in the top right corner of Accelo.

  2. Under your personal details there are clickable tabs. Select the Signature tab, and select the Use Custom Signature option.Accelo Use Custom Signature.png

  3. Edit your signature here, and click Save to apply it to your outgoing messages.

Setting Work Week & Vacation Time

Choose how your work week is configured and scheduled easily through your admin or personal settings. Enter vacation dates for when you plan to be out of the office. Ensure that you are not scheduled for work you are unable to do because of scheduling conflicts.

Admin users can edit the default work week for the entire office, as well as schedule company holidays.

To edit your company’s work week:

  1. Click on the Settings button and select Configuration.

  2. Under General Config, select Work & Holiday Dates.

  3. Check the box for each day your company normally works, and enter the number of hours in a given work day.

  4. Click Save to save these settings.

To edit your company’s scheduled holidays:

  1. At the bottom of the Work & Holiday Dates page, there is a list of standard holidays. Turn on or off any holidays you wish to edit.

  2. To add a vacation time, click on the starting date on the calendar and enter the dates of the vacation time.

  3. Click Save to save these changes.

Individual users can edit their work week and vacation days in their personal user settings as well.

To edit your personal work week & vacation days:

  1. Hover over your User icon in the upper right corner of Accelo and select Preferences.

  2. Click Expand next to Work Week and Vacation Calendar.

  3. Edit your settings as above.

  4. Click Save to save these changes.

Changing your Notification Settings

Stay on top of your tasks, sales opportunities, tickets, projects, and client correspondence by receiving automatic email notifications generated from actions in Accelo. You can receive automatic email notifications from certain actions performed within Accelo, all of which can be seen on your Notification Settings.

To view your email notification settings:

  1. Hover over your User icon in the top right corner of Accelo and select Preferences.

  2. Click Expand next to Notification Settings.

  3. Turn on or off any Notifications you would like to receive for work done in Accelo.

  4. Click Save to save these changes.

Adding Custom Locations

Add custom locations to Accelo for scheduling and logging meetings. This is useful if you have multiple office locations or multiple meeting and conference rooms. These locations will be provided as your default drop-down list of locations.

To create a new custom location:

  1. Click on the settings button and select Configuration.

  2. Under Activities & E-mails select Custom Locations.

  3. Select Add Location to add a new location.

  4. Enter the Name of the Location and click Save.

Edit or delete a custom location on the main list of locations, Click the name of the location to edit, or click the trash icon (accelo.DeleteDivisionbutton.pngto delete.

Creating & Using Divisions

To give you the flexibility to work with clients with different details, rates and even different identities, use the Accelo Premium feature called Divisions. Divisions are an advanced feature ideal for business that have distinct service divisions, subsidiaries or international offices which use different email addresses and branding, as well as different billable rates.

Set up Divisions with different rates, different signatures, different logos and even different contact details for your users.

To set up Divisions:

  1. Click on the settings button and select Configuration.

  2. Under Users & Groups select Divisions.

  3. Click Add Division to add a new Division.

  4. Click on the Edit button next to a specific Division to make changes to it, or click the Delete button to remove it.
