Activity Stream

Keep track of all the work being done within Accelo through the Activity Stream, while on the go! Scan and view all logged work, so nothing is missed and you can view and reply to emails.

Using this guide, you can:


View the Activity Stream

Click on the Modules button on the top left of the screen.

Hamburger menu 2 
Select Stream from the drop-down list.

Stream 2

From here, you can view a list of all Activities that have been logged within Accelo, with the most recent Activities appearing at the top.

Stream 3 

If the Activity is a Note or Email, a Reply arrow will be visible on the right side of the Activity. Click on this button to automatically reply to an Activity.

Stream 4

You can also click on an Activity to view more details, and reply from that screen.

Filter Activities 

In order to find the right types of Activities, you may wish to filter them.

Click the three dots button on the top right of the screen.

3 dots 2 

This will bring up a Settings option. Click Settings to bring up the following filters:

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  • Staff Involved: Select specific staff members whose Activities you wish to view.
  • Activity Scope:
    • Team Activities: View only Activities logged by users.
    • Client Activities: View only incoming emails from Clients.