
Keep track of the Tickets you and your Team are working on, including their Status and the work that has been done against them.


View your Tickets List

Click on the Modules button on the top left of the screen.

Hamburger menu 6 
Click on Tickets to view a list of all Tickets within Accelo. 

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 This will bring up a list of all Tickets within Accelo, which you can sort and filter as needed.

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  1. Search for a particular Ticket.
  2. View All Tickets.
  3. Choose how to sort the Tickets, whether alphabetically, by Status, or by the Date Created.
  4. Filter the Tickets by your Saved Filters.
  5. View the other Modules.
  6. The Ticket Title.
  7. The Ticket Contact.
  8. The Ticket Creation Date.
  9. The Project Status.


View Ticket Details

Click on a Ticket to view more details of the Ticket.

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  1. Log Time against the Ticket through a Note.
  2. The Ticket Title.
  3. The Ticket Status.
  4. The Ticket Priority.
  5. The Ticket Type.
  6. The Ticket Class.
  7. The Ticket Details, including the amount of Billable Time, Assignee, Standing, and important Dates.
  8. The Stream for this Ticket.
  9. All Tasks created against the Ticket.
  10. All Expenses created against the Ticket.
  11. Any Signoffs associated with the Ticket.
  12. Create a new item against the Ticket, such as an Activity, Task, or Expense.
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