
Keep track of the Tickets you and your Team are working on, including their Status and the work that has been done against them.


View your Tickets List

Click on the More button on the bottom right of the screen.

 More Button4

Click on Tickets to view a list of all Tickets within Accelo. 

 Ticket List 
This will bring up a list of all Tickets within Accelo, which you can filter as needed.

Ticket Page View


  1. Filter the Tickets by your Saved Filters.
  2. Search for a particular Ticket
  3. The Title of the Ticket.
  4.  The Ticket Client.
  5. The Ticket Status.
  6. The Time Logged on the Ticket so far. 

View Ticket Details

Click on a Ticket to view more details of the Ticket.


Ticket Details 3


  1. Create an Activity, Add a Timer or Create a Task against the Ticket.
  2. The Ticket Title.
  3. The Ticket Status.
  4. The Ticket Priority.
  5. The Ticket ID.
  6. The Ticket Client.
  7. The Ticket Contact.
  8. The Ticket Assignee.
  9. The Ticket Description. 
  10. The Ticket Type.
  11. The Ticket Class.
  12. Access the Stream, Tasks, Timers and Modules from the Navigation Bar.
  13. Key Dates such as Ticket Submitted, Opened and Due Dates.
  14. Access the Ticket Stream to view all Activities on the Ticket.
  15. The Tasks created against the Ticket.
  16. The Expenses created against the Ticket.
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