
  • Companies & Contacts
    Configure your Companies & Contacts module to perform any and all of your client cycle processes. Automate your workflows, segment and add custom fields for better reporting, and define how to display your Company Database.
  • Sales
    Shape Accelo to match your Sales needs. Customize your unique sales progressions to match the sales process you have perfected over the years.
  • Projects
    Configure your Project module to perform any and all of your project flow processes. Automate your project progressions, setup triggers to automate your process, and add custom fields for better reporting.
  • Tickets
    Automate your ticket business processes by configuring your ticket types, in order to better manage all work related to your ongoing services, save time and increase the quality of your work. Configuring the Tickets module is similar in many ways to the other modules in Accelo that are powered by statuses, progressions, actions and extension fields. 
  • Retainers
    Setup automatically recurring tasks for work you do each week/month/quarter and automate your business rates & processes by configuring your retainer types, in order to better manage all work related to your ongoing services, save time and increase the quality of your work. 
  • Billing & Invoices
    Make end of the month invoicing quick and easy by creating Invoice Templates in advance, and creating Service and Material Items lists which can be added to any Project, Ticket, or Retainer, as well as their invoices.
  • Purchases
    A mirror image to Invoices! Purchases are similar to invoices except, rather than sending an invoice to a Client, you’re sending a purchase to a vendor. In other words, you would utilize Invoices for charging your Clients whereas Purchases would be to track your costs with Vendors.