Billing & Configurations

This screen allows you to update information specific to the Billing module in Accelo. To access this screen go to Settings > Invoices & pricing > Settings.

Billing Staff member

The billing staff member is a user in Accelo who will be notified if you create an invoice and select the Postal delivery method. The invoice will be emailed to them, asking them to print it and post to the client. A activity will also be placed on their To-do List with the same information.

Billing Contact Details

  • ABN/EIN/Tax.No - This title of this field is configurable via the General Configuration screen. Generally, this field is where you record your Business Number for tax, employee or billing purposes. If you enter a number/code, it will appear in the From section on any invoices you send from Accelo.
  • Default Invoice Due Date - When an invoice is being created, this is the default number of days until invoice payment is due.
  • Email - this email address will appear on invoices you send from Accelo, with the instructions "For questions or more information, email __________"
  • Phone will appear in the From section on any invoices you send from Accelo
  • Fax will appear in the From section on any invoices you send from Accelo
  • Address will appear in the From section on any invoices you send from Accelo.

Payment Method

  • Select the "Use Custom Payment Methods" option.
  • Type instructions for payment using the text editor section. What you write here will appear on your invoices that are generated in Accelo when you add the merge field [account.payoptions] on the Invoice Template you use.