Sales Types

Create Sales Types to automatically capture key information about your clients as you complete work, allowing your team to take action automatically.

Using this guide, you can:

Manage Different Sales Types

Your sales team uses distinct processes you have perfected over the years. If these processes differ depending on the type of Sale they are managing (i.e., a product sale vs. a service sale), then we recommend setting up unique Sales Types.

Once you set them up, these Sales types will be available upon the creation of a new Sale and will present a set of Status Progressions, Custom Fields, and Triggers unique to that type of sale.

accelo.Add New Sale Type 

To configure your different types of sales, setup your Sales Types:

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. From the Sales menu, click Progressions & Fields and the button Add a Sales Type.

  3. Give the Sale type a name and choose your preferred settings. You can clone your Progressions and Custom Fields from other sales types as well.
  4. Once you save the new Sales type, you can start customizing your sales process, including Status Progressions and Custom Fields.