Please note that Actions configured to execute upon progressing an object will only run when the object is progressed from the View screen. These actions do not run when the status is updated via the Edit screen.
Furthermore the statuses of Tickets and Retainers cannot be modified through their respective Edit screens.
Create your business flow, defining how to pass successfully from one status to the next, and add actions to fully automate how you run your business processes. Before moving to Progressions, it’s important to have an understanding of our Statuses. Using the business process configuration screen, you can review the progressions for each of your Module types, and add new Progressions and Actions to it.
Using this guide, you can:
If you're familiar with the concept of a flow chart, each status is like a box in a flow chart, and the progressions are the lines that join the boxes together. By nominating a starting and ending status, you're able to provide your users with a clear business process to follow, improving consistency and coordination across your team.
On each progression, you can configure what we call actions - things that happen, like asking the user to enter some information into a field, or upload a file, create a task, send an email to another user, or invoice. By combining Progressions and Actions, Accelo makes it easier for your team to move your business forward, whether it's a deal closer to win or a project closer to generating revenue.
Outside of configuration, you'll find Status Progressions towards the top of each module view screen as a Status bar.
To create a Progression, click on the New Progression button at the bottom of the Status Progressions workflow table.
Enter the following details to set up your progression:
Title: This will be the name of the Progression. It defaults to the name of the To Status, but it can be named as something separately.
From Status - What status the progression is coming from. To populate this status, drag and drop a status from the Statuses area below into the From Status Box.
To Status: The status you’re progressing to. To populate this status, drag and drop a status from the Statuses area below into the To Status Box. Often, it is further along the process - e.g., Month 1 to Month 2. Sometimes, though, it can move the flow backwards such as "On Hold" or "Returned to Account Manager."
Now that we've created the structure of the flow-chart - the boxes (Statuses) and the lines (Progressions) - we can define what actions your team needs to take between progressions. These are called Actions.
Progression Actions are an important part of automating your business process. Actions are the things that happen, like asking the user to enter some information into a field, or upload a file, create a task or send an email to another user. For example, you can set it so that when you Close an Issue that you will automatically send out an email to notify the Client that the work is finished, and also go to the Approval screen to bill for the work tied to it.
How flexible you want your Progression Actions are up to you, as you have the option to make them required, or even hidden from view as your statuses change.
NOTE: any progression actions set up within status progressions will progress within the following order by action type: Field (first) > File > Activity > Task > Special (last). Additionally, please also note that Webhooks are processed after Activities and are sent out before Special Processes.
You’ll typically have five types of Actions to add to a Progression:
Update Field: You can update default and Custom Profile fields such as Due date, Value, Reason for on Hold, or Project Lead Name.
Upload File: You can prompt a file to be uploaded through a manual upload or link to a document service such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box
Create Activity: Prompt to create an Activity, based on a template which you create. Includes both internal notes as well as client-facing emails-.
Create Task: You can define a templated Task, or just create a new one.
Special Process: There’s a variety of special processes available
Workflow required - Project progressions allow you to select if a workflow is required on the project before this progression may be run. If you would like to know more about the project workflow, please see Milestones & Tasks.
Progress - Sales progressions allow you to set a progress level. This means when this progression is run for a sale, the sale progress value will be updated (this makes up part of the thermometer statistics).
To re-order your status progressions, click and drag each progression box one-at-a-time on the left of the progression.
Before removing the progression, you should consider whether this will cause problems with any records that are currently using that progression. E.g. if I have some issues in the Submitted status and I delete my Submitted > Open progression, then I may have no way to open my issues.
To remove an Action, click the Action Expand button to show all related actions associated with the status progression. You can remove by clicking the recycle bin icon next to each action.
To delete Progressions, simply click on the recycle bin icon on the right of the Progression. Note that doing so will also delete all actions underneath it.