Progression Action: Create a Task

Customize your progressions to set a touch-point schedule for a sale or a support ticket, such as to follow-up with a lead every 2 weeks, or to update the client on your service ticket every 72 hours by adding a Create Task action to your status change.

Using this guide, you can:


Create Task Action

Define one or more tasks that a user will be prompted to review and create during a progression with the Create Task action. This is very handy for managing recurring work and support issues.

Note: The create task action is not available on Projects because a task created in a progression can greatly increase the risk of user-error with budgets and billable work. 

For your Projects, we recommend building in a special process to go to the plan instead if you wish to add a Task. This will ensure the user knows they are adding work to a Project Plan.

To create a Create a Task action:

  1. Find the progression you want to add an action to, click the + button on the right-hand side, and select Create Task.

    Create Task Action2

  2. The Create Task Action for Progression screen will appear.

    Create Task Action 3 

  3. You can then configure the default values for the task, such as:

  • Title - This will be the name of the Task.

  • Description - This will be the description of the work that needs to be done on this Task.
  • Manager - Select the default manager of this task.

  • Status - This will be the starting status upon creation of this object.
  • Start Date/Due Date will be - These are the dates that the Task should be started on and completed by. These dates can also be defaulted based on the current day, but you can set them to any future date.

  • Task Time - The number of hours and minutes estimated to complete the Task.

  • Notify - Whether, by default, the assignee will be notified by email that a task has been created for them.

  • Required - Whether or not the task must be created to complete the progression.

  • Hidden - To allow the user running the progression to see and modify the details of this task, select No. Otherwise, choose Yes and have the task automatically created in the background during the progression.


Merge Fields 

Merge fields are used in a number of areas within Accelo. Specifically with triggers  and progressions.

Whenever a task is created through these actions, you can always include pre-defined fields inside your template.

For example, you can always set it so your body always includes the budget, title, and ID of the object in your automated task utilizing the merge fields.

A popular one is to start the body with [issue.deadline] to notify the assignee of when it’s due in the body. This will alert them of the due date in the notification, without reading directly into the task itself.

Merge field options vary from feature to feature, but they’re always presented on the task template.
