Special Process - Progression Actions for Retainers

Set up Special Process Actions for your Retainers to save time on your work and make sure that all processes for the Retainer are completed accordingly.

Using this guide, you can:


Manage & Approve Time Action

Similar to the Approve action on other modules, this action allows you to manage all time logged against the Retainer, approve the amount of time logged, and even Invoice for the time logged. This action is recommended for any end of period Progressions, as it will give the user the opportunity to get started on the billing process for the period.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Manage & Approve Time.


Create Period Action

When a user moves through this progression, they will be prompted to create and set up the new period for this Retainer. This action is recommended upon creation of a Retainer, or for any end of period Progressions, as it will give the user the opportunity to set up the next period.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Create Period.