Special Process - Progression Actions for Tickets

Accelo version

Set up special process actions for your Tickets to save time on your work and make sure that all Ticket processes from create to close, are completed accordingly.

Using this guide, you can:



Approve Work Action

It's important to mention that to reach the approval feature, you don't have to use a progression. You can simply click the ellipses (also known as the more button) and select approve, located under Ticket settings section.

Using a special process progression action, you can bundle this approval feature into a change in status for the ticket. For example, if you have a progression that moves your ticket to a closed or resolved status, this would be an appropriate time to prompt the user to review any unapproved time on the ticket once the work is done. It is important to note this special process is only available for selection under the previously mentioned status progressions (to resolved or closed).

This action is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Approve.


Invoice Action

Similar to the approval of a Ticket, invoicing can be achieved when viewing a Ticket; just click the ellipses (also known as the more button) and select Invoice, located under create related section.


The invoicing process can be configured for any progression on a ticket. By bundling the invoice process into a progression, the user will be prompted to create an invoice. If the action is unnecessary, it can be skipped. 

It is important to note this special process is only available for selection when Ticket progresses to resolved or closed.

This action is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Invoice.


Complete all Outstanding Tasks Action

Automatically complete all outstanding tasks that were created against the Ticket. This action is recommended for when a Ticket progresses to the closed or resolved status, as it will automatically complete all the work that was done to close that Ticket. This is a hidden action, meaning that it will happen in the background when the progression occurs. It is important to note this special process is only available for selection under the previously mentioned status progressions (to resolved or closed).

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Complete all Outstanding Tasks.


Unassign Ticket Action

When the user runs a progression with this action, they will be prompted to unassign the Ticket from the current assignee. This is recommended in situations where the Ticket is progressing to a paused or on hold status.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Unassign Ticket.


Assign Ticket Action

When the user runs a progression with this action they will be prompted to assign the Ticket to a user. An activity note will be created to alert the staff member of the issue assignment. You can fill in the subject and body text for the alert. This is recommended as an action when a Ticket is created, as it will allow a user to be immediately assigned to start working on the Ticket.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Assign Ticket.


Claim Ticket Action

This is a hidden action which will cause the user running the progression to become the manager/assignee of the Ticket. This is helpful when staff forget to claim a Ticket that they are working on.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Claim Ticket.


Link latest/oldest Pending/Active Retainer Action

Sometimes work carried out for a Customer is recurring and against a retainer. This means Tickets can be linked to retainers when they are active or pending.

At times, we are only human and work objects might be linked to a retainer as intended. In this case, a progression can be set so that the Ticket is linked to a retainer automatically. There are two options for linking retainers; you can link oldest or newest retainer that holds a pending or active status. 

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting either Link Latest Pending/Active Retainer or Link Oldest Pending/Active Retainer.


Create Signoff Action

Sometimes as the Ticket progresses, approval from the Customer to carry out the work may be required. Create signoff action will prompt the user to complete a signoff for the Customer to approve before the Ticket progresses any further. 

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Create Signoff.



Cancel all Tasks Action

Automatically cancel all tasks created against the Ticket. This action is recommended for when a Ticket progresses to the canceled or closed status, as it will automatically cancel all work against the Ticket. This is a hidden action, meaning that it will happen in the background when the progression occurs.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Cancel all Tasks.


Cancel all Outstanding Tasks Action

Automatically cancel remaining outstanding tasks against the Ticket. This action is recommended for when a Ticket progresses to the canceled or closed status, as it will automatically cancel all outstanding work against the Ticket. This is a hidden action, meaning that it will happen in the background when the progression occurs. 

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Cancel all Outstanding Tasks.


Set Rate & Budget Action

As the progression occurs, prompt the user to set up the rate and budget of the Ticket, so that all work against the Ticket is billed properly to the client. This is recommended as an action upon creation of the Ticket, but the action can be skipped if necessary.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Set Rate & Budget.


Add Team Members

Adding team members to a Ticket to make sure that all necessary people are kept apprised of the Ticket as it progresses. This process is recommended as an action upon creation of a Ticket, so that the team members are looped in for the entire process. This is an action which can be skipped, if no team members are necessary.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Add Team Members.


Add Account Managers to Team Action

Add Account Managers as a team member within a Ticket to make sure that all necessary people are kept apprised of the Ticket as it progresses. This process is recommended as an action upon creation of a Ticket, so that the Account Managers are looped in for the entire process. This is an action which can be skipped, if the action is not necessary.

This is added by clicking the + button next to the appropriate progression, choosing Special Process, and selecting Add Account Managers to Team.