Trigger Frequency

Triggers consist of three parts. Frequency, Rules, and Actions. In this guide we'll be going over the Frequency. Every Trigger needs to know how often it will run, and on what time frame. All Triggers run on 15 minute intervals on the hour. 

Using this guide, you can:


Trigger Frequency

It's very important to know what type of Trigger you want to set up before deciding on the Frequency.  We'll be going over each Trigger setting below.

trigger frequency settingsTrigger Fire Frequency

Fire Frequency determines how many times each Trigger will take Action on a single piece of work.  

  • Only run once for each Object: This setting limits the Trigger to taking Action only once on each Sale, Project, etc.  Once the Trigger has taken Action on a piece of work once, that Trigger will never take Action on that piece of work again.  For example, if your Trigger monitored Tickets which had been open for more than one week, it would only update each Ticket once; if the Ticket remained open for another week, the Trigger would not take Action again.
  • Repeatedly: This setting allows the Trigger to take Action repeatedly on each Sale, Project, etc, with a delay built in to the Trigger between each occurrence.  For example, if your Trigger monitored Projects which were overdue, it would continue to take Action as long as the Project remained overdue.  The Trigger Fire Delay then determines how much time will pass between each time the Trigger takes action, and is a great way to do things like only send an email reminder once a week.

Trigger Operation Times

Operation Times control the days and time of day during which your Triggers will take Action.

  • Days of the Week: These days can be used to limit a Trigger to only run on certain days.  For example, you could restrict Requests to only be converted into new Tickets on weekdays. By default, Triggers will run on every day of the week.
  • Hours of Day: These hours are used to control the time of day which the Trigger will run.  For example, you could restrict overdue Ticket notification to only be sent between 9am and 5pm.  These time ranges are applied to every day of the week which the Trigger is run.  Multiple time ranges can be applied to a single Trigger, and is a great way to automate Actions such as sending your client a "We're Closed!" email response before and after the start of each work day.

Once you've selected your Frequency, you're then ready to move onto setting up your Trigger Rules