Trigger Type

Triggers can be created as one of two Types.  That Type is then used to determine how the Trigger monitors your work, and as a result, when automated Actions will be taken.

 Using this guide, you can:

trigger type

Ongoing Triggers

Ongoing Triggers monitor your work on an ongoing basis, regularly checking to see whether the work's details have changed and performing Actions when the Trigger's Rules are satisfied.  Some common examples of ongoing triggers are

  • Monitoring for Sales which have not had contact with the client for more than a week
  • Monitoring for Projects which are overdue
  • Monitoring for Tickets which have an urgent priority
  • Monitoring for Retainers which have exceeded their monthly budget

To create an Ongoing Trigger, simply select the Ongoing Type.

trigger type ongoing


Event-Based Triggers

Event-Based Triggers do not actively monitor your work's details.  Instead, these Triggers monitor your work's Activities, checking for the content of new notes, emails, meetings and calls as well as the creation of the Activities themselves.  Some common examples of Event-Based Triggers include:

  • Monitoring for a new email approving your quote
  • Monitoring for a note that your Project has been approved
  • Monitoring for when a new email is received for a Ticket that has already been closed
  • Monitoring for when the Retainer's monthly report has been added

To create an Event-Based Trigger, simply:

  1. Select the "Event" Type
    trigger type event
  2. Select your Event Preferences.  All of these preferences must be satisfied in order for an Event-Based Trigger to fire.  For details which you're not specifically monitoring, select "Any".

trigger event preferences


    • Activity Created By: This preference determines whether the system checks for Activities which were specifically created by a staff member or a contact, and is a great way to focus your Trigger's Actions on new client emails, or internal notes.
    • Subject & Body: These preferences monitor Activities' Subject and Body, checking for Activities which include or do not include certain information.  
    • Time Logged: Time Logged monitors the amount of time attached to Activities.  
    • Activity Type: The Activity Type determines the types of Activity which the Trigger will monitor, and is a great way to focus your Trigger on just emails, internal notes, etc.


Once you've configured your Trigger's Type, you're ready to configure its Frequency.