All of the available permission options for User Groups and Individual Users from the Permissions menu are listed below. The menu can be accessed by going to Configuration > Users & Groups > Permissions. Click the check boxes to enable or disable the permission are available for each permission listed below, separated into menus for each object or module.
Jump to a specific Permission using the links below:
General Group Details - Toggle for full group permissions.
View - Ability to view user groups.
Add - Ability to create new groups.
Edit - Ability to edit existing groups.
Deactivate - Access to deactivate existing groups.
General User Details - Toggle for full user permissions.
View - Ability to view the basic details and save filters for existing users.
Add - Ability to create new users.
Edit - Ability to edit basic user details.
Edit Email Activity Sending - Ability to edit email activity.
Edit Own Work & Holiday Dates - Ability to view and edit your own Work Weeks and Leave Calendars
Edit Password - Ability to reset user passwords.
Edit User Managers - Ability to edit the managers.
Edit User Profile - Ability to edit staff profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Deactivate - Access to deactivating users.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions.
Bulk Reassign - Ability to use bulk reassign work feature.
Edit Permissions - Ability to edit their and other users' permissions.
Edit User Group - Ability to edit their and other users' group membership.
Process User Profile - Ability to edit user profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.
Send Invitation Email - Ability to send other users' an invitation to log into their Accelo account.
Update Activity Cost Rate - Ability to refresh the cost rate across all unapproved activities for a user.
User Export - Ability to export the list of users to Excel.
View Permissions - Ability to view other users' existing permissions.
User Dashboard - Ability to view their own user dashboard.
Utilization Dashboard - Ability to view the Utilization Dashboard
Admin - Toggle for admin permissions.
Admin User Profile - Ability to edit user profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
Edit All Work & Holiday Dates - Ability to view and edit all Work Weeks and Leave Calendars
General Company, Contact, & Affiliation - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions are given.
View - Ability to view Companies and contacts.
Add - Ability to create new Companies and contacts.
Edit - Ability to edit existing Companies and contacts.
Add/Delete All Confidential Relationships - Ability to add/delete confidential relationships for all users
Add/Delete All Secret Relationships - Ability to add/delete secret relationships for all users
Add/Delete Own Confidential Relationships - Ability to add/delete confidential relationships for the user him/herself
Add/Delete Own Secret Relationships - Ability to add/delete secret relationships for the user him/herself
Delete Relationship - Access to delete confidential or manager relationships on Companies or contacts.
Edit Company Profile - Ability to edit custom Company and contact profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Edit Manager Relationships - Ability to add/delete manager relationships on a Company or contact.
Manage Relationships - Ability to configure private and confidential relationships between users and Companies or contacts.
Delete - Access to delete staff relationships on Companies or contacts and the ability to delete Addresses.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Company module.
Contributor Access - Ability to view contributors tab on a Company or contact.
Export Affiliations - Ability to export the contacts list.
Export Company - Ability to export the Companies list.
Export Company Contacts - Ability to export the list of all contacts who are linked to Companies.
Merge Companies - Ability to merge existing Companies.
Process Company Profile - Ability to edit custom Company and contact profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.
Progress Company - Ability to edit the status of existing Companies.
Progress Contacts - Ability to update the status of existing contacts.
Company Dashboard - Ability to view the Company dashboard.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for Companies, Contacts and Affiliations, and related Client Portal permissions.
Admin Company Profile - Ability to edit custom Company and contact profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
Bulk Delete Companies - Ability to bulk delete from the list Companies & Contacts screens.
Configure Client Portal - Ability to configure client portal settings and permissions.
Merge Contacts - Ability to merge existing contacts.
Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and delete Company and contact status progressions.
General Request - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing Requests.
Add - Ability to create new Requests.
Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Request module.
Change Request Type - Permission to change a Request's type
Convert Request - Ability to convert and close existing Requests into new Sales, Projects or Tickets.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for the Requests module.
Configuration Access - Access to configure the Requests module.
General Sale - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view Sales.
View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Sale extension fields.
Add - Ability to create new Sales.
Edit - Ability to edit existing Sales.
Change Salesperson - Ability to change Salesperson on a Sale.
Edit Sale Profile - Ability to edit Sale profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Delete - Access to delete existing Sales.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Sale module.
Action - Ability to action (close) existing Sales.
Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Sales.
Convert Sale Type - Ability to convert existing Sales to other types.
Edit Sale Profile - Ability to edit Sale profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.
Export Sale - Ability to export the Sales list.
Progress Sale - Ability to update the status of existing Sales.
Relocate Sale - Ability to relocate an existing Sale to another Company.
Unaction - Ability to unaction existing, previously actioned Sales.
Sale Dashboard - Ability to view the Sales dashboard.
Admin - Access to configure the Sales module's custom fields and progressions.
Admin Sale Profile - Ability to edit Sale profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
Bulk Delete Sales - Ability to bulk delete from the list Sales screen.
Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove statuses and progressions in the Sales module's configuration menu.
General Quote - This option gives the general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing Quotes.
Add - Ability to create new Quotes.
Edit - Ability to edit existing Quotes.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Quotes module.
Approve Quotes - Allows a user to Accept (Approve), Decline or Redraft other users' Quotes.
Convert Quotes - Allows a user to Convert other users' Quotes.
Export Quotes - Allows a user to export Quotes.
Publish Quotes - Allows a user to Preview, Publish and Send other users' Quotes.
Delete - Access to delete existing Quotes.
Admin - Access to configure the Quotes tool.
Projects & Milestones - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions
General Project - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing Projects.
View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Project extension fields.
Add - Ability to create & duplicate Projects.
Edit - Access to open the edit screen.
Edit Project Profile - Ability to edit custom Project profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Delete - Access to delete existing Projects.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for Projects.
Approve Project - Ability to approve existing Projects.
Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Projects.
Convert Project Type - Ability to convert existing Projects to other types.
Export Project - Ability to export the Project list.
Invoice Project - Ability to create invoices for the Projects.
Merge Project - Ability to merge existing Projects together.
Plan Project - Access to use the Project planning tool.
Process Project Profile - Ability to edit custom Project profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.
Progress Project - Ability to update the status of the existing Projects.
Relocate Project - Ability to relocate an existing Project to another Company.
Transfer Project - Ability to move Projects between Companies and Sites (requires Sites module).
Update Activity Cost Rates - Ability to refresh staff costs across Project activities/work.
Project Dashboard - Access the Project dashboard.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for the Projects module.
Admin Project Profile - Ability to edit custom Project profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
Bulk Delete Projects - Ability to bulk delete from the list Projects screen.
Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove progressions in the Projects module.
General Milestone - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing Milestones.
Add - Ability to create Milestones.
Edit - Ability to edit existing Milestones.
Edit Milestone Profile - Ability to edit custom Milestone profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for Milestone.
Milestone Export - Ability to export Milestones from existing Projects.
Process Milestone Profile - Ability to edit custom Milestones profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.
Progress Milestone - Ability to update the status of Milestones in the existing Projects.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for Milestones.
Admin Milestone Profile - Ability to edit custom milestone profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove Milestones progressions.
General Ticket - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all Tickets.
View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Ticket extension fields.
Add - Ability to create Tickets.
Edit - Ability to edit Tickets.
Edit Resolution - Ability to edit the resolution of existing Tickets.
Edit Ticket Profile - Ability to edit custom Ticket profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Delete - Access to delete existing Tickets.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Tickets module.
Approve Ticket - Ability to use Ticket approval feature.
Assign Ticket - Ability to assign existing Tickets to any user.
Bulk Ticket Invoice - Ability to invoice for Tickets in bulk using the invoice Tickets tool.
Claim Ticket - Ability to claim Tickets that are currently unassigned.
Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Tickets.
Convert Ticket Type - Ability to convert existing Tickets to different Ticket type.
Edit Budget - Ability to edit the budget of existing Tickets.
Export Ticket - Ability to export the Tickets list.
Merge Ticket - Ability to merge existing Tickets together.
Process Ticket Profile - Ability to edit custom Ticket profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.
Progress Ticket - Ability to update the status of existing Tickets.
Relocate Ticket - Ability to relocate an existing Ticket to another Company.
Surrender Ticket - Ability to surrender Tickets which are currently assigned to other users.
Ticket Dashboard - Access to Tickets dashboard.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for Tickets.
Bulk Delete Tickets - Ability to bulk delete from the list Tickets screen.
Edit Ticket Profile - Ability to edit custom Ticket profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove progressions in the Ticket module.
General Retainer - This option indicates general access to each item. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing Retainers.
View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Retainer extension fields
Add - Ability to create new Retainers.
Edit - Ability to edit permissions for the Retainers module.
Edit Retainer Profile - Ability to edit Retainer profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Delete - Access to delete existing Retainers.
Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Retainers module.
Close Retainer Period - Allow members/person to close existing Retainer Periods.
Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Retainer.
Convert Retainer Type - Ability to convert existing Retainer to different Retainer type.
Create Retainer Periods - Ability to create Retainer Periods.
Delete Retainer Period - Allow members/person to delete existing Retainer Periods.
Edit Retainer Period - Ability to edit existing Retainer Periods.
Export Retainer - Ability to export the Retainers list.
Export Retainer Period - Ability to export the Retainer Periods list.
Manage & Approval Time - Access to the Retainer module's manage and approve tool.
Process Retainer Profile - Ability to edit Retainer profile whose editable setting is 'process' only.
Progress Retainer - Ability to update the status of existing Retainers.
Relocate Retainer - Ability to relocate an existing Retainer to another Company.
Reopen Retainer Period - Ability to reopen closed Retainer Periods.
Retainer Period Invoice - Ability to create invoice for Retainer Periods.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for Retainers.
Admin Retainer Profile - Ability to edit Retainer profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
Bulk Delete Retainers - Ability to bulk delete from the list Retainers screen.
General Retainers Executive Group - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions
Invoices & Payments - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions
General Invoices - This option indicates general access to each item. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all invoices and receipts.
Add - Ability to create invoices on modules they have access to.
Bulk Invoicing - Ability to invoice for Company in bulk.
Edit - Ability to modify the details of the invoices they can view.
Edit Invoice Profile - Ability to edit custom invoice fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Delete - Ability to delete invoices.
Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Billing module.
Edit Invoice Receipt - Ability to edit receipts.
Export Invoices - Ability to export invoices via the invoice list.
Export Receipts - Ability to export receipts from the receipt list.
Process Invoice Profile - Ability to edit custom invoice fields whose editable setting is 'process' only.
Process Invoice Statements - Ability to preview and send Invoice statements.
Receive Invoice Payment - Ability to record manual invoice payment.
Send Invoices - Ability to send invoices.
Send Receipt Notification - Ability to include client notification when recording payment.
Admin - Access to configure account and tax codes.
Admin Invoice Profile - Ability to edit custom invoice fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
General Purchase - This option indicates general access to each item. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all Purchases.
Add - Ability to create Purchases on modules they have access to.
Edit - Ability to modify the details of the Purchases they can view.
Edit Purchase Profile - Ability to edit custom Purchase fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Delete - Access to delete existing Purchases.
Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Purchases module.
Export Purchases - Ability to export Purchases via the Purchase list.
Process Purchase Profile - Ability to edit custom profile fields whose editable setting is 'process' only.
Send Purchases - Ability to send Purchases.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for Purchases.
Admin Purchase Profile - Ability to edit custom profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
General Expenses - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all expenses.
Add - Ability to create new expenses.
Edit - Ability to edit expenses.
Delete - Ability to delete expenses.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the expenses module.
Approve Or Decline - Approve or decline expenses.
Export Expense - Ability to export expense lists.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for expenses.
Delete Expense Types - Ability to view remove types.
General Items - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all Items.
Add - Ability to create new Items.
Edit - Ability to edit Items.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Items module.
General Material - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all Materials.
Add - Ability to create new Materials.
Edit - Ability to edit Materials.
Delete - Ability to delete Materials.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Material module.
Import - Ability to import Materials.
General Scheduling - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view other users' schedules in the my schedule and team schedule tools.
View My Schedule - Ability to view My Schedule tool.
View Schedule Dashboard - Ability to view schedule dashboard.
View Team Schedule - Ability to view Team Schedule.
General Task - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all Tasks.
View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Task extension fields.
Add - Ability to create new Tasks.
Edit - Ability to edit the title, description, assignee, start-date, due-date, and estimated time of existing Tasks.
Edit Manager - Ability to change the manager of existing Tasks.
Edit Task Profile - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions.
Delete- Access to de-activate existing Tasks.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Task module.
Export Task - Ability to export the Tasks list.
Process Task Profile - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions.
Progress Task - Ability to update the status of Tasks.
Admin - Access to configure the Tasks module of Accelo.
Admin Task Profile - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions.
General Activities - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view non-private activities.
Add - Ability to create new activities.
Edit - Ability to edit details of all activities.
Delete - Access to delete activities.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the activity module.
Export Activities - Ability to export from the activities list.
Relocate Activity - Ability to relocate activities.
Dashboard - Toggle for all dashboard permissions.
Activity Stream - Ability to view the activity stream screen.
Admin - Access to configure the activities module.
General Attachments - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view attachments.
Add - Ability to upload new attachments.
Edit - Ability to edit existing attachments.
Edit Attachments Profile - Ability to edit custom attachment fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.
Delete - Access to delete existing attachments.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the attachments module.
Bulk Edit - Ability to edit attachments in bulk.
Process Attachments Profile - Ability to edit custom attachments whose editable setting is 'Process' only.
Public Visibility - Ability to make attachments visible to Companies via the Company portal.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for attachments.
Admin Attachments Profile - Ability to edit custom attachment fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.
General Triggers - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing triggers.
Add - Ability to create new triggers.
Edit - Ability to edit existing triggers, rules and actions.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the triggers module.
Edit Trigger Status - Ability to edit the status of the existing triggers.
Admin - Access to configure the triggers tool.
Progression Access - Ability to turn existing triggers on/off.
General Divisions - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing divisions.
Edit - Ability to edit existing divisions.
Delete - Access to delete divisions.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for divisions.
Add Link - Ability to link a client from the division.
Delete Link - Ability to unlink a client to the division.
Delete Membership - Access to remove existing clients, contacts and users from existing divisions.
Edit Membership - Ability to edit the division-specific details of division users.
Join Division - Ability to add new clients, contacts and users to existing divisions.
General Segmentations - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view segmentations in configuration.
Add - Ability to add new segmentations in configuration.
Edit - Ability to re-configure segmentations.
Delete - Access to delete existing segmentations.
Process - General process access to each item.
Admin - Ability to add and change the properties of segmentations.
General Custom Fields - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
Add - Ability to configure new profile fields.
Admin - Access to admin permissions.
Delete - Ability to delete profile fields from configuration.
Edit - Ability to edit configuration of profile fields.
Process - General process access to each item.
View - Ability to view profile fields in admin.
General Miscellaneous - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions are given.
View - Allow members to view existing countries and states.
View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive contributor extension fields.
Add - Ability to add new countries and states.
Edit - Ability to edit existing countries and states.
Progression Access - Status progression access for contributors.
Delete - Access to delete existing countries.
Process - Access to process permissions for countries and states.
Progression - Ability to configure status progression for contributors.
Admin - Access to admin permissions for countries and states.
Delete State - Access to delete existing states.
List Countries - Ability to view the countries list.
List States - Ability to view the states list.
General Signoffs - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view all signoffs.
Edit - Ability to edit the existing signoffs.
Add - Ability to add a signoff.
Process - Ability to send and re-draft a signoff.
General Assets - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
View - Ability to view existing Assets.
View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Asset extension fields.
Edit - Ability to edit existing Assets.
Add - Ability to add a Assets.
Delete - Access to delete Assets.
Process - Toggle for full process permissions for Assets.
Export Asset - Ability to export the Asset list.
Admin - Admin permissions for Assets.
Asset Type Admin - Ability to configure Asset types.