Company Dashboard

Purpose of the Company Dashboard

Using the Company Dashboard, you can keep track of how active you are with your clients. This dashboard provides you with a “big picture” overview of the clients you work with, their high-level details, and which clients are taking up most of your staff’s working time.

To navigate to your Company Dashboard, hover over the Dashboard icon in the top menu and click on Company Dashboard. Depending on your user permissions set by your Administrator, you may or may not have access to this dashboard.

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There are three sections of the Company Dashboard that will provide you further insight:


View a list of the clients that you’ve logged the most activities for or new clients created within the defined Dashboard period. Each activity logged is every interaction between your users and company contacts, including emails, phone calls, and meetings entered into Accelo. The graph visualizes your list data with additional details on the amount of hours logged and revenue gained across those companies.

Companies on Company Dashboard


See how many active companies each of your users are overseeing as an Account Manager.

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Dive into more details on your companies through each of your segmentations. To add more options to your segmentations, you will need to add in more Categories within Configuration and make sure that those categories are filled out on each of your clients.

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