Guides User Guide Messages & Tasks

Messages & Tasks

  • Messages
    Record your client communication, staff collaboration and meetings, and work notes ensuring you capture all billable or non-billable time completed against your Tasks, Projects, Sales, Retainers, Assets, Clients, and more. Messages are the heart of your metrics and your work in Accelo. 
  • Tasks
    Increase your productivity by quickly assessing your team workload, easily assigning tasks, organizing your daily workload, and keeping track of progress for any task without a status meeting or sending an email.
  • Task Boards
    Keep track of your workflow and move your tasks through any process within your Task Board. The Task Board is the best way to keep track of all Tasks assigned to you. Monitor and change the status of your Tasks, keep track of due dates so your work is completed on time, and easily view all Tasks assigned to you in one location.