Whether you send a client an email from Gmail or Accelo, we know how important it is to be able to look in your Gmail Sent folder and find everything you've sent. Because emails sent from Accelo don't go out from Gmail, there's a couple of simple steps required to ensure the emails that you send from Accelo appear in your Sent Folder
Turning on BCC of Activities you Send
First, you will need to update your Notification Preferences in Accelo so that you’re receiving a copy of the emails that you send from Accelo as Activities
Under your Avatar, select Preferences. Scroll down to the Notifications task and turn on notifications for the top row labeled When you create the activity. This will BCC you on all Activities (notes, email, meeting, call) made against a Company/Contact, Sale, Project, Milestone, Ticket, Retainer, Invoice or Request.
Once the Notifications is set, you will receive a copy of every activity you send from Accelo in your Gmail account - from where you can use some Gmail magic to handle them automatically!
Set up Filters to Declutter your Inbox
Now that you're receiving the emails, you'll want to set up filters to help you declutter your Gmail Inbox. While Gmail will automatically apply the "Sent" label to emails you send from Accelo (since the sender address is, well, you), the byproduct of the BCC notifications is a lot of unwelcome noise in your inbox. To cut this out, you can set up filters in Gmail so that emails you send skip the inbox, get marked as read and optionally have them assigned to a separate folder.
Under your gmail Settings, select Filters and Blocked Addresses. Select Create a New Filter that matches the following rule:
In Filter From, insert your company email and then select Create Filter with this Search
Next, check the boxes for Skip the Inbox and Mark as Read. This will ensure that any email hitting your Gmail, will be archived.
Optional: If you want to route your emails to a specific folder, you can select Apply the label “X”
You’re all set! You can send a test email from your Accelo account to make sure everything is working correctly.