
  • Companies & Contacts
    Your client database gives you a synchronized and intelligent platform to see client work in real-time. Your Companies and Contacts module provides many of the features found in a traditional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system but takes it further by fully integrating with every module in your account.Your client database is tightly integrated with all other modules in Accelo, ensuring that you never lose work and can easily find your records, regardless of its age.
  • Sales
    Stay on top of deals and win more sales by having all of your notes, appointments, emails, attachments & custom fields at your fingertips.
  • Projects
    Go beyond simple planning and collaboration with Accelo’s Projects Module. Manage your projects against budgets and resources in real-time, get instant visibility into team schedules, quickly and smoothly make edits to project plans, and connect your shared client database to manage projects and schedules in one place.
  • Tickets
    Deliver consistent, streamlined and profitable client service, easily. By allowing tickets to be converted from emails, custom organization, automating tasks, and keeping everything in one place, Accelo lets the ticketing process work around your business.
  • Retainers
    Retainers are used for any products or services you provide to your clients on an ongoing or recurring basis. Manage the ongoing and recurring work you do for clients, including tasks and billing, in one easy-to-use place to boost revenue, capture lost billings, and help cut administrative headaches.
  • Billing & Invoices
    Timesheet and invoice integration allows everyone to work in one place. You can cut waste spent on invoicing with synchronized time tracking, projects, and billing, making your business financials more streamlined.
  • Assets
    Whether you’re in IT Services storing passwords and media data from your Client, or tracking the materials ordered for constructing a home, your archive of Client data is available to be accessed from Sales, Projects, Tickets, or anywhere you may need.  
  • Custom Lists
    Are Accelo's standard lists not quite fulfilling your unique needs? Not to worry, our Custom Lists allow you to build out your own list pages with almost every option imaginable.
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