
Retainers are used for any products or services you provide to your clients on an ongoing or recurring basis. Manage the ongoing and recurring work you do for clients, including tasks and billing, in one easy-to-use place to boost revenue, capture lost billings, and help cut administrative headaches.

Using this Contracts & Retainer guide, you can:

Your Retainers Module allows you to:

  • Easily configure what you charge for ongoing services by price, hour, excess rates and more.

  • Automatically renew services so your team can keep working for clients without waiting for admin effort.

  • Automatically invoice clients for recurring work and services, with full integration to your accounting system.

  • Set up automatically recurring tasks for work you do each week/month/quarter etc.

  • Bill for non-time services like licenses and on-costs making it easy to upsell & bundle services.

Manage your recurring client work, maintenance quotas or periodic invoicing - such as license fees, subscriptions, monthly support, SEO/PPC work, website maintenance, hosting services, monthly bookkeeping and payroll - all within your Retainer Module.

A retainer is created against a company/client record, and work is tracked against the retainer through Periods. You can configure your retainer to automatically create periods at certain intervals, and invoice up-front for a fixed amount or at the end of the period for the work done.

The retainers module integrates seamlessly with the tickets and projects modules so that you can even allocate work from those into a retainer period.

Each Retainer has two layers of critical business information:

  • The Retainer: Stores information about the client, the expiry date of the overall contract, and the type of contract/retainer (one off, recurring, etc).

  • The Period: Keeps track of the budgets of work done, hours available, and in the case of recurring Retainers, how long until the current allocation of work expires and a new one needs to be created.