Guides User Guide Reports Sales Reports

Sales Reports

Sales are what keep your business running. And certain ebbs and flows of those Sales opportunities are crucial for a sales manager to track in order to better understand trends and plans of attack for the future. 

Using the Sales Pipeline Reports in Accelo, a sales manager can find all the necessary Sales information in one place, including details on Won Sales and growth rates of those wins, breakdowns of his or her organization's Sales Pipeline and how Sales are progressing through it, and more! 

In this guide, you will find reports for:

Sales Pipeline

The current sales pipeline, based on their value and due date. Weighted value is calculated based on the value of each sale, multiplied by either its probability or progress to close.  Use the report's Value Weighting Method control to select your preferred calculation method.

In order to get won sales, it’s critical for sales managers to understand their organization’s Sales Pipeline. Monitoring Sales in particular statuses, seeing how they progress through the pipeline, and understanding the value of those sales is important for seeing how the pipeline is functioning and if Sales are ever getting clogged. The Sales Pipeline Report can be utilized by sales managers to review their pipeline.

Some questions this report could answer include:

  • How much should I expect to close this month?

  • Are Sales getting stuck in a particular status?

  • What's the value of our Sales? Do we have a few whales? A multitude of minnows?

Report Controls

On the Sales Pipeline Report, you can filter by:

  • Value Weighting Method

  • Sale Due Date

  • Type of Sale
  • Sale Status
  • Salesperson
  • Probability to Close

Permission Requirements

  • Access level: Administrator or Professional
  • Licenses: Sales or ServOps
  • Financial Permissions: (None)


Pipeline Value by Created Date

Review the value and trends of sales opportunities based on when they were created.

Did you run a series of campaigns this year and want to run a comparison to see which campaigns/months were strongest? Maybe you want a high-level overview of which month brings in the highest value Sales for your organization to allow for better planning the following year. With the Pipeline Value by Created Date Report, you can Identify trends in the value of Sales, based on when they are created.

Some questions this report could answer include:

  • Was the marketing initiative I began in May successful?
  • What should I expect my pipeline to look like next month?

Report Filters

  • Value Weighting Method

  • Sale Created Date

  • Type of Sale
  • Sale Status
  • Salesperson
  • Probability to Close

Permission Requirements

  • Access level: Administrator or Professional
  • Licenses: Sales or ServOps, and Reports
  • Financial Permissions: (None)


Sales Activity

Track the volume and variety of your sales team's client interactions. Targets are set based on the averages of previous, won sales.

For sales teams, it can be difficult to keep track of everyone's day-to-day activity. Questions like "How many calls are being made?" and "How often are we speaking with leads?" become more difficult to answer when you're not in physical proximity, and even more difficult to track those efforts' effects on your Sales. However, it's more important than ever to track these metrics using a sales tool like Accelo since, as manageable metrics, they represent opportunities which you can actively influence to improve your business - and its bottom line.  

The Sales Activity report is unique in that it tracks manageable metrics, which are metrics that staff and managers are able to take direct action to affect, in the form of the volume and variety of Activities logged. Targets for that volume and variety are then determined using the average numbers from the deployment's won Sales, offering dynamic targets based on the user's unique business, which improve the more they use Accelo.

Some questions this report could answer include:

  • How many client touches does it typically take to win a sale?

  • How much activity has been logged for each sale?

  • What kinds of activity does my team typically log?

  • Do we have any sales that haven't been touched in a long time?

Report Filters

  • Salesperson

  • Sale Type

  • Client 

Permission Requirements

  • Access level: Administrator or Professional
  • Licenses: Sales or ServOps, and Reports
  • Financial Permissions: (None)


Won Sales

Review totals and trends in the sales that you've won.

Won Sales mean more business! And for sales managers at your company, keeping track of those won Sales to monitor trends, make adjustments and take action for the future are critical to how your team operates. Using the Won Sales Report, your sales managers can review their monthly sales, while also getting a better understanding of growth rate and month-over-month trends.  The report calculates the win rate based on the number of sales that were won, lost, cancelled or abandoned during the selected time period.

Some questions this report could answer include:

  • What's the Average Sale Value (ASV)?
  • How many Sales have we closed?
  • How is our monthly Sales total trending?
  • What's our growth rate?
  • How does the type of sale, salesperson and number of Sales affect our closed Sales number?

Report Filters

  • Sale Won Date
  • Type of Sale
  • Salesperson

Permission Requirements

  • Access level: Administrator or Professional
  • Licenses: Sales or ServOps, and Reports
  • Financial Permissions: (None)


Time to Close Sales

Time to close is calculated as the number of days between the created and won dates.

Poor Time to Close (TTC) is an issue that typically requires immediate action for a sales manager. If Sales are getting stuck in the pipeline for days, weeks, or even months at a time, it’s likely costing your business more to pay your sales team than they’re making back in won sales. Using the Time to Close Sales Report, sales managers can track their team's time to close sales, including seeing who on their team has the highest TTC and who has the lowest.

Some questions this report could answer include:

  • How is our TTC trending?

    • When can I expect this month's Sales to close?

    • How did that recent marketing change affect our TTC?

  • Are any staff lagging behind / performing poorly that I need to talk to?

  • Are any staff performing especially well that I can call out at a meeting?

Report Filters

  • Sale Won Date

  • Type of Sale

  • Salesperson

  • Client

Permission Requirements

  • Access level: Administrator or Professional
  • Licenses: Sales or ServOps, and Reports
  • Financial Permissions: (None)

Commission Calculator

Calculate sales commissions based on the value of sales won or expected to be won, and the salesperson's individual quota and commission rates.

For salespeople, their driving KPI is their commission. The Commission Calculator Report is meant to answer this question, in two forms:

  1. "How much did I make this month?"

  2. "How much could I make this month?"

The report does this by offering a filter to include Sales based on their won date (How much did I make?), or based on their expected due date (How much could I make?).

Report Filters

  • Sale Won Date

  • Type of Sale
  • Salesperson
  • Sales Quota
  • Commission Rate for Sales Under Quota
  • Commission Rate for Sales Over Quota
  • Include or Exclude Expected Sales

Permission Requirements

  • Access level: Administrator or Professional
  • Licenses: Sales or ServOps, and Reports
  • Financial Permissions: (None)