Highrise Import

Using the Highrise import tool, you can:

Import Your Data

Follow these steps to import your HIghrise data into Accelo:

  1. Find your Highrise API token by following this guide: https://support.highrise-help.com/article/339-find-your-api-token
  2. In Accelo, navigate to Configuration --> Imports & Exports --> Import Data --> Highrise
  3. Enter your Highrise data:
    1. API Key: Found in your Highrise account by following this guide: https://support.highrise-help.com/article/339-find-your-api-token
    2. API Endpoint: The URL of your Highrise account, e.g. https://yourdomain.highrisehq.com
  4. Map your Highrise users to their corresponding Accelo user accounts.  All past Highrise users must be mapped, even if they're no longer active employees.
  5. Click Start Import to begin the import process.  Imported data should begin appearing in your Accelo account immediately, and you'll receive an email confirmation once the process has completed.

Understand What Syncs

The Highrise import tool allows you to import your CRM data into Accelo.  The mapping of that data is:


Highrise Accelo
 Name Name
Website Website

People / Contacts

Highrise Accelo
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Phone Phone Number
Email Email Address
Linked Company Linked Company

Notes / Emails / Comments / Activities

Highrise Accelo
 From Owner
 To Recipient
 Subject Subject
Body Body
Date Sent Logged For Date