Get Started Work Management Tools

Utilizing Work Management Tools

The top navigation bar in your Accelo deployment provides several menu options where you can access varying platform tools. The main tools you can use for work management on a daily basis are:

  • Global Search Bar: Search for any object within Accelo by name, or select the type of object for a more narrow search.

  • Timer Icon: View your Daily or Weekly Timesheets to see assigned Tasks and work logged by day, or easily open your list of ongoing Timers

  • Schedule Icon: View your Scheduled work on My Schedule, access our Team Scheduling resource allocation tool, or view the Schedule Dashboard.

Global Search Bar

Wherever you are in Accelo, you can quickly find different objects and activities in Accelo. This Global Search Bar is found on the top of every screen.

A handy shortcut for narrowing down your search is to start typing in the object type and immediately hitting tab. For example, start typing in "Tic", then hit Tab, and now you’re only searching within Tickets

Daily & Weekly Timesheet 

There are two main ways to view your logged work - The Daily Timesheet & Weekly Timesheet. 

Found underneath the Timer Icon on the top right navigation bar, the Daily Timesheet is your one-stop location to see all the work that you have logged so far today, as well as any Tasks assigned to you on that day. Easily track how you’ve been spending your day and figure out what you need to do next.

Using the Daily Timesheet, find and fill gaps in your day, add time against all those client emails you sent, and relocate work to the right place.

The Weekly Timesheet is your one-stop location to find all your scheduled tasks for the week, all time that you have logged, and helps you to automatically track how you spend your time.

Log in every morning, and visit your Timesheet to see what Tasks are assigned for the day. Visit your Weekly Timesheet when your day is complete, and make sure you’ve properly logged all your time for the work you’ve done.  

Timesheet Overview Report

View a report of all time logged by a particular user for different time periods, including this week, last week, this month, or a specific time range. Export this data to generate a report for your payroll records.


Schedule Dashboard

With the Schedule Dashboard you can manage all client work within one convenient location. Here you can view everything from the high-level work your team is completing over several months, to more granular information such as the Tasks a User is working on today.