Get Started Work Management Tools

Utilizing Work Management Tools

When you hover over the top right hand side of your Accelo deployment, there are several different menus that bring you to several different tools. At the User-level, there are several tools and reports that’ll give you insight into what’s happening on any given day, including:

  • Global Search Bar: Where you can quickly search for one or more different Activities or Objects in Accelo.

  • Saved Filters: Quickly find your own filtered lists, your team’s, your favorites and the most recently viewed.

  • Daily & Weekly Timesheet: Make sure you’ve logged time (both billable and non-billable) for each day and week,
    simplify the process by logging Calendar invites, and making sure your emails have time logged for them. 
    Accelo will also suggest what you should be logging time for.

  • Schedule Dashboard: Get a dashboard overview of your work load for what has been logged and what is forecasted to be logged for each day or each week over a period of time.

  • Timesheet Report: Get an idea of what has happened and what needs to happen across all your Clients and Work within them.

Global Search Bar

Wherever you are in Accelo, you can quickly find different objects and activities in Accelo. This Global Search Bar is found on the top of every screen.

If you hit the drop down on the left hand side, you will see everything you can filter by to get exactly what you are looking for.

You have two quick shortcuts for utilizing this search:

  • You can start utilizing the Global Search by using the “/” option on the bottom right hand side of your keyboard.
  • You can start typing in the object type and immediately hit tab to only search for that. Example, start typing in “Pr” -> hit Tab and now you’re only searching within Projects.


Saved Filters

On any page in Accelo, you can hover over Saved and find your own [my] filters and shared [team] filters. You can also see Recently Viewed and Favorited.

  • My Filters - Your own filters.

  • Shared - Filters for the entire team.

  • Recently Viewed - Objects recently viewed.

  • Favorite - Objects you favorited [top right hand side of any Object].

Daily & Weekly Timesheet 

We have two main Timesheet Views - Daily Timesheet and Weekly Timesheet. 

Found underneath Time on the top right hand Work Management tools, the Daily Timesheet can be your one stop shop. Each day, you can make sure you’ve logged everything that you’ve done from the morning to the afternoon. Of course, we don’t want you to be super granular and want to get a good idea of what makes up your day to day.

The Weekly Timesheet allows you to see an overview and breakdown of your week. It allows you to log time directly from this screen above by clicking into any of those 0:00.


Schedule Dashboard

Utilize the Schedule Dashboard for tracking all the Sales, Projects, Tickets and Retainers you are apart of or manage.

Timesheet Report

When you review your timesheet report, you can then get an idea of what took place within a certain time frame. This allows you to make decisions on if your current activities get a return of what you are looking for.

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