Send Messages

In this guide, you can:


Create a Message

To create a message, you can:

  • Tap on Create button on the bottom bar, then choose Message

  • Tap on the Reply, Reply All, or Forward button from an existing message.


On the Create Message screen, you can enter the message recipients, details, and content.

The Create Message screen contains the following fields:

  • Against Object = the object the message will be linked against so that the activity will appear on the object stream.

  • Recipients = the contacts, staff, or groups that will receive the message

  • Subject = the subject to be used for the message email

  • Description = the main content of the message, which supports rich-text formatting, links, and images (soon)

    • When entering the description, you get access to the following formatting tools:
      • Paragraph styles
      • Bold
      • Italic
      • Underline
      • Numbering
      • Bullets


Access the Toolbar

Configure the Billing settings

Billing Timer = records the total time spent composing the message, allowing the user to mark the activity as billable or non-billable. You can also pause, resume, or edit the timer.

  • Pause the timer
    • Tap on the pause icon to stop the timer from running

  • Edit the Timer
    1. Tap on the time counter
    2. Select the desired hours, minutes, and seconds
    3. Tap on OK

  • Mark as billable or non-billable
    1. Tap on the Billable icon to switch the billing setting
  • Change the Message Settings

    To access the message settings, tap on the More button
  • Select the message class

    1. Tap on Class
    2. This will bring up the list of all available classes
    3. The selected class will be shown.

  • Select Tags

    1. Tap on Tags

    2. This will bring up a list of all the activity tags, multiple tags can be selected.

    3. Tap on save
    4. Selected tags will be shown

  • Select the Message Visibility

    • Tap on visibility. By default, the parent message visibility is inherited. The Visibility allows to control which users can see the activity on the stream

    • This will bring up the list of available visibility types:
      • All = the activity is visible to all users
      • Confidential = the activity is visible to all, but the content is masked as “confidential” to users who are not recipients of the message


      • Secret = the activity is visible on stream only to the sender and recipients of the activity.

        • Note: Users cannot mark the activity as billable and cannot log time if the visibility is Secret.