Setting up Email Capture for Exchange 2013

Capture your Exchange 2013 business emails, giving you a single, integrated place to share emails and contacts and easily collaborate with your colleagues and clients.

Using this guide, you can:

Incoming Email

Incoming emails need to be forwarded to specific capture addresses tied to each user account based on the Accelo address and the username of the Accelo user.

  • Example Accelo Domain:

  • Example Accelo Username: alton

  • Address to forward incoming email to:

This is most easily configured by setting up a forwarding rule via the Exchange Management Shell to the Accelo capture account.

This example delivers email to the mailbox of Dan Park and at the same time forwards all mail sent to Dan's Accelo capture account,

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Dan Park" -ForwardingAddress "" -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true

Testing Incoming Email Capture

Testing the Incoming Email Capture process is best done with the help of someone outside your organization. If you can't convince one of your clients, suppliers or friends to help you, register for one of the free email accounts at places like Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo.

Once you've identified who is going to send you the test email - it is best to get them to send you one, just so you can be sure - make sure their exact email address is entered in as the email address of a Contact in Accelo.

Remember, the incoming email capture requires an exact match between the email address of the sender of the email and the email address stored in Accelo.

Once you've got the address in Accelo, send yourself an email from your friend, or via your webmail account, and have a look at the Company or Contact view screen for this Contact. By looking at the activities tab at the bottom of the View screen, you should see - within about 3 minutes - a an activity from this external contact. Additionally, hitting on "To-Do" in the top taskbar of Accelo should show you an unactioned item on your to-do list from this contact.

If you've done all of this, and you're still having trouble, contact our support team via

Outgoing Email

All outgoing email can be recorded automatically by BCCing users' messages to a special address.  This address will be the same for all users.

  • Example Accelo Domain:

  • Outgoing Capture Address:

  • Users' Email Address:

  • Users' Email Domain:

NOTE: Accelo does not support distribution groups for Exchange.

Create a new Transport Rule

Using the Exchange Administration Console:

  1. Navigate to Mail Flow --> Rules.

  2. Click the Add+ button and choose the Create New Rule option from the list to create a blank rule.

  3. Give this new rule a name, and choose the [Apply to all messages] condition.

  4. Choose the BCC the message to Action, and enter your in the Addresses field.

  5. Save.

Using Outlook:

  1. Navigate to Mail --> Forwarding.

  2. Click the Enable Forwarding checkbox to set up a forwarding address.

  3. Next, enter your in the Forward my email to field.

  4. Finally, click Save.

Testing Outgoing Email Capture

Testing the Outgoing Email Capture process is as easy as sending an email to a contact who's listed in Accelo.

Send an email, and then open their company or contact record in Accelo and check the Activity Stream for the message.