Guides Integrations Guide Practice Ignition

Integrating Practice Ignition with Accelo

Accelo's Practice Ignition integration helps you connect the work which you're actively budgeting, tracking, and billing in Accelo to the proposals which you're creating and negotiating in Practice Ignition, saving you valuable time and frustration. That includes links to the clients, proposals and more which you're tracking in Practice Ignition!  

Using this guide, you can:

Enabling the Practice Ignition Integration

To enable the Practice Ignition integration, follow these easy steps:

  1. Open your Integrations page, located under your user icon:
    integrations link3
  2. Click the Practice Ignition tab, and click the Activate Practice Ignition button
    integrations tabYou're all done!  The integration is now enabled for your Accelo account.


Connecting an Accelo Record to Practice Ignition

Once you've enabled the Practice Ignition integration, you can immediately begin connecting your work in Accelo to your Practice Ignition data. When a connection is made, new links will be created directly between the Accelo record and Practice Ignition, making it easy to access all of your client's proposals. To make that connection, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the record in Accelo which you'd like to link.  This link can be made from any record, including the company itself, but sales are the most common one to link.
  2. Locate the Practice Ignition logo, found in the bottom left-hand corner of the page, and click Add
    pi card
  3. Open any record in Practice Ignition which you'd like to link to Accelo.  This can be the client page itself, its proposals, etc. Copy the page's URL, and paste it into the Practice Ignition URL field.
    pi modal2
  4. Enter a Title which describes the content of your link.  This title will appear on the page in Accelo, and is a great way to differentiate between multiple clients.
  5. Click Connect.  The link is made, and you're all done!

If you have multiple client records which you're tracking in Practice Ignition for a single client in Accelo, you can make multiple links from one Accelo record to Practice Ignition. To add additional links, simply click the Add button again.


Configuring your Practice Ignition Integration's options

The Practice Ignition integration makes it easy to access your clients' proposals in Practice Ignition from the work which you're doing in Accelo. Accelo offers several options for controlling the level of information which is accessible from Accelo, and where that information appears. To configure the integration, simply open the Integrations page.

 integrations link3

Practice Ignition Links
pi links

When you connect an Accelo record to a Practice Ignition client, Accelo will create direct links to the client and proposals which you're tracking in Practice Ignition. By default, that list includes all of the following records:

  • Proposals
  • Clients

These checkboxes allow you to hide records in Accelo which you don't actually manage in Practice Ignition, eliminating irrelevant links for your team. For example, if you don't manage your proposals in Practice Ignition, simply uncheck the Proposals box to hide that link. All of the enabled links will be displayed on every Accelo record which you link to Practice Ignition.

Available On

pi available on

When the Practice Ignition integration is enabled, you can link any record in Accelo to Practice Ignition. The Available On settings can then be used to hide the Practice Ignition link on certain types of records in Accelo. The available records include:

Each Accelo company, project, retainer, etc. can be linked to a separate client in Practice Ignition.  This is crucial if you have a single client which you manage as multiple clients in Practice Ignition.  However, if you manage each client as a single client record, it can be much simpler to only make the link from the Accelo company record.