Configuring the PDF Layout

Looking to have this invoice presentable to your Clients? Let's take a look at setting up a PDF Invoice and even template it out to save time in the future. 

Using this guide, you can:

Get a PDF Invoice Template Overview

When you create a PDF Invoice Template, you also have to build a template for how to present this information to the Client. Once you build the template out, creating invoices for Clients will be a relatively simple and short process. 

Below is a brief Example of a PDF Invoice Template. You'll notice quite a few Merge Fields that will automatically populate based on the Work the invoice is being created against. These Merge Fields can be added almost anywhere into the invoice on the right side of the screen, allowing you to format the entire PDF to your specifications, saving you time in the future!



To start, you have two simple settings to choose based on your preferences. 

Invoice Style

  1. Invoice Font: Choose the Font you would like the invoice to be in. 
  2. Select Theme: Choose different colors for each major header.


There are a few options to template the Services that will appear on the invoice.


  1. Show quantity: Show the amount of Services that were logged.
  2. Show price per unit: Show the price of each of the Services that were logged.
  3. Show tax code: Show the tax code for the Services that were logged.
  4. Show tax amount: Show the amount of tax for the Services that were logged.


There are a few options to template the Materials that will appear on the invoice


  1. Show quantity: Choose to show the quantity of Materials logged. 
  2. Show price per unit: Show the price of each Material logged.
  3. Show tax code: Show the Tax Code for the Materials logged.
  4. Show tax amount: Show the amount of tax for the Materials that were logged.



  1. Show quantity: Choose to show the Quantity of Expenses logged. 
  2. Show price per unit: Show the price of each Expense logged.
  3. Show tax code: Show the Tax Code for the Expenses logged.
  4. Show tax amount: Show the amount of tax for the Expenses that were logged.


With this PDF Invoice template, you are able to include Previous Payments so the Client always knows what they are liable to pay. 


  1. Show Payments: Do you want to show related Payments?
  2. Show Related Invoices: Show the related invoices (previous invoices for same work)




  1. Group By: Rate, Staff, Object, or Date.

  2. Sort By: Date, Subject, or Amount.
  3. Show Type (icon): Each Activity type has different icons. Choose whether to show these icons.
  4. Show Date: Include the Date of the Activities logged.
  5. Show Hours: Show the Amount of Time logged per Activity.
  6. Show Rate Per Hour: Show the Billable Rate per Activity logged.
  7. Show $: Show the Total Value of the Time logged (Hours x Rate).
  8. Show Body: Show the Body of the Activity.
  9. Show Subject: Show the Subject of the Activity.
  10. Show Owner: Show the User who logged this Activity.
  11. Include Non-Billable: Choose to also include non-billable activities in your reports.

File Name

When this type of invoice is created, you can choose to use the general File Name for each Invoice

File Name

  1. File Name: You can choose the name of the File Name. 


Merge Fields

Use the Merge Fields to insert specific information about your company, the client's company, or the invoice itself into the PDF. These will be automatically filled in for each invoice you make. Learn more about the Merge Fields.


Click on the Merge Field to copy it to your clipboard so you can easily paste it into the invoice PDF template.