User Group and Individual User Permission Options

All of the available permission options for User Groups and Individual Users from the Permissions menu are listed below.  The menu can be accessed by going to Configuration > Users & Groups > Permissions. Click the check boxes to enable or disable the permission are available for each permission listed below, separated into menus for each object or module.

Jump to a specific Permission using the links below:

Users & Groups

  • Users & Groups - This option indicates general access. it will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

Group Details

  • General Group Details - Toggle for full group permissions.

  • View - Ability to view user groups.

  • Add - Ability to create new groups.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing groups.

  • Deactivate - Access to deactivate existing groups.

User Details

  • General User Details - Toggle for full user permissions.

  • View - Ability to view the basic details and save filters for existing users.

  • Add - Ability to create new users.

  • Edit - Ability to edit basic user details.

  • Edit Email Activity Sending - Ability to edit email activity.

  • Edit Own Work & Holiday Dates - Ability to view and edit your own Work Weeks and Leave Calendars

  • Edit Password - Ability to reset user passwords.

  • Edit User Managers - Ability to edit the managers.

  • Edit User Profile - Ability to edit staff profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Deactivate - Access to deactivating users.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions.

  • Bulk Reassign - Ability to use bulk reassign work feature.

  • Edit Permissions - Ability to edit their and other users' permissions.

  • Edit User Group - Ability to edit their and other users' group membership.

  • Process User Profile - Ability to edit user profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.

  • Send Invitation Email - Ability to send other users' an invitation to log into their Accelo account.

  • Update Activity Cost Rate - Ability to refresh the cost rate across all unapproved activities for a user.

  • User Export - Ability to export the list of users to Excel.

  • View Permissions - Ability to view other users' existing permissions.

  • User Dashboard - Ability to view their own user dashboard.

  • Utilization Dashboard - Ability to view the Utilization Dashboard

  • View All Users - Ability to view all users in the utilization dashboard
  • Admin - Toggle for admin permissions.

  • Admin User Profile - Ability to edit user profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Edit All Work & Holiday Dates - Ability to view and edit all Work Weeks and Leave Calendars

User Executive Group

  • General User Executive Group - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions
  • View All Timesheets - Ability to view timesheets for all users. This is an additional permission to the default permission.
  • Cost And Profit - Ability to view cost and profit information for all users.

Company, Contact & Affiliation

  • General Company, Contact, & Affiliation - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions are given.

  • View - Ability to view Companies and contacts.

  • Add - Ability to create new Companies and contacts.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing Companies and contacts.

  • Add/Delete All Confidential Relationships - Ability to add/delete confidential relationships for all users

  • Add/Delete All Secret Relationships - Ability to add/delete secret relationships for all users

  • Add/Delete Own Confidential Relationships - Ability to add/delete confidential relationships for the user him/herself

  • Add/Delete Own Secret Relationships - Ability to add/delete secret relationships for the user him/herself

  • Delete Relationship - Access to delete confidential or manager relationships on Companies or contacts.

  • Edit Company Profile - Ability to edit custom Company and contact profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Edit Manager Relationships - Ability to add/delete manager relationships on a Company or contact.

  • Manage Relationships - Ability to configure private and confidential relationships between users and Companies or contacts.

  • Delete - Access to delete staff relationships on Companies or contacts and the ability to delete Addresses.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Company module.

  • Contributor Access - Ability to view contributors tab on a Company or contact.

  • Export Affiliations - Ability to export the contacts list.

  • Export Company - Ability to export the Companies list.

  • Export Company Contacts - Ability to export the list of all contacts who are linked to Companies.

  • Merge Companies - Ability to merge existing Companies.

  • Process Company Profile - Ability to edit custom Company and contact profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.

  • Progress Company - Ability to edit the status of existing Companies.

  • Progress Contacts - Ability to update the status of existing contacts.

  • Company Dashboard - Ability to view the Company dashboard.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for Companies, Contacts and Affiliations, and related Client Portal permissions.

  • Admin Company Profile - Ability to edit custom Company and contact profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Bulk Delete Companies - Ability to bulk delete from the list Companies & Contacts screens.

  • Configure Client Portal - Ability to configure client portal settings and permissions.

  • Import Companies & Contacts - Ability to use the Company & Contact CSV Import, Capsule CRM Import and Highrise Import.
  • Merge Contacts - Ability to merge existing contacts.

  • Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and delete Company and contact status progressions.


  • General Request - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing Requests.

  • Add - Ability to create new Requests.

  • Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Request module.

  • Change Request Type - Permission to change a Request's type

  • Convert Request - Ability to convert and close existing Requests into new Sales, Projects or Tickets.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for the Requests module.

  • Configuration Access - Access to configure the Requests module.


  • General Sale - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view Sales.

  • View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Sale extension fields.

  • Add - Ability to create new Sales.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing Sales.

  • Change Salesperson - Ability to change Salesperson on a Sale.

  • Edit Sale Profile - Ability to edit Sale profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing Sales.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Sale module.

  • Action - Ability to action (close) existing Sales.

  • Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Sales.

  • Convert Sale Type - Ability to convert existing Sales to other types.

  • Edit Sale Profile - Ability to edit Sale profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.

  • Export Sale - Ability to export the Sales list.

  • Progress Sale - Ability to update the status of existing Sales.

  • Relocate Sale - Ability to relocate an existing Sale to another Company.

  • Unaction - Ability to unaction existing, previously actioned Sales.

  • Sale Dashboard - Ability to view the Sales dashboard.

  • Admin - Access to configure the Sales module's custom fields and progressions.

  • Admin Sale Profile - Ability to edit Sale profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Bulk Delete Sales - Ability to bulk delete from the list Sales screen.

  • Import Sales - Ability to use the Sales CSV Import and SalesForce Import.
  • Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove statuses and progressions in the Sales module's configuration menu.


  • General Quote - This option gives the general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing Quotes.

  • Add - Ability to create new Quotes.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing Quotes.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Quotes module.

  • Approve Quotes - Allows a user to Accept (Approve) or Redraft (Unapprove/Decline) other user's Quotes.

  • Convert Quotes - Allows a user to Convert other user's Quotes.

  • Export Quotes - Allows a user to export Quotes.

  • Publish Quotes - Allows a user to Preview and Publish other user's Quotes.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing Quotes.

  • Admin - Access to configure the Quotes tool.

Projects & Milestones

Projects & Milestones - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions


  • General Project - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing Projects.

  • View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Project extension fields.

  • Add - Ability to create & duplicate Projects.

  • Edit - Access to open the edit screen.

  • Edit Project Profile - Ability to edit custom Project profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing Projects.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for Projects.

  • Approve Project - Ability to approve existing Projects.

  • Assign Work - Ability to use the assign work tool.
  • Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Projects.

  • Convert Project Type - Ability to convert existing Projects to other types.

  • Export Project - Ability to export the Project list.

  • Invoice Project - Ability to create invoices for the Projects.

  • Merge Project - Ability to merge existing Projects together.

  • Plan Project - Access to use the Project planning tool.

  • Process Project Profile - Ability to edit custom Project profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.

  • Progress Project - Ability to update the status of the existing Projects.

  • Relocate Project - Ability to relocate an existing Project to another Company.

  • Transfer Project - Ability to move Projects between Companies and Sites (requires Sites module).

  • Update Activity Cost Rates - Ability to refresh staff costs across Project activities/work.

  • Project Dashboard - Access the Project dashboard.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for the Projects module.

  • Admin Project Profile - Ability to edit custom Project profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Bulk Delete Projects - Ability to bulk delete from the list Projects screen.

  • Import Projects & Milestones - Ability to use the Project/Milestone template CSV import and Project CSV import.
  • Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove progressions in the Projects module.


  • General Milestone - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing Milestones.

  • Add - Ability to create Milestones.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing Milestones.

  • Edit Milestone Profile - Ability to edit custom Milestone profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for Milestone.

  • Milestone Export - Ability to export Milestones from existing Projects.

  • Process Milestone Profile - Ability to edit custom Milestones profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.

  • Progress Milestone - Ability to update the status of Milestones in the existing Projects.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for Milestones.

  • Admin Milestone Profile - Ability to edit custom milestone profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove Milestones progressions.

Projects & Milestones Executive Group

  • General Projects & Milestones Executive Group - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions
  • Project Cost And Profit - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
  • Cost And Profit - Ability to view Project cost and profit information. 



  • General Ticket - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all Tickets.

  • View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Ticket extension fields.

  • Add - Ability to create Tickets.

  • Edit - Ability to edit Tickets.

  • Edit Resolution - Ability to edit the resolution of existing Tickets.

  • Edit Ticket Profile - Ability to edit custom Ticket profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing Tickets.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Tickets module.

  • Approve Ticket - Ability to use Ticket approval feature.

  • Assign Ticket - Ability to assign existing Tickets to any user.

  • Bulk Ticket Invoice - Ability to invoice for Tickets in bulk using the invoice Tickets tool.

  • Claim Ticket - Ability to claim Tickets that are currently unassigned.

  • Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Tickets.

  • Convert Ticket Type - Ability to convert existing Tickets to different Ticket type.

  • Edit Budget - Ability to edit the budget of existing Tickets.

  • Export Ticket - Ability to export the Tickets list.

  • Merge Ticket - Ability to merge existing Tickets together.

  • Process Ticket Profile - Ability to edit custom Ticket profile fields whose editable setting is 'Process' only.

  • Progress Ticket - Ability to update the status of existing Tickets.

  • Relocate Ticket - Ability to relocate an existing Ticket to another Company.

  • Surrender Ticket - Ability to surrender Tickets which are currently assigned to other users.

  • Ticket Dashboard - Access to Tickets dashboard.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for Tickets.

  • Bulk Delete Tickets - Ability to bulk delete from the list Tickets screen.

  • Edit Ticket Profile - Ability to edit custom Ticket profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove progressions in the Ticket module.


  • General Retainer - This option indicates general access to each item. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing Retainers.

  • View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Retainer extension fields

  • Add - Ability to create new Retainers.

  • Edit - Ability to edit permissions for the Retainers module.

  • Edit Retainer Profile - Ability to edit Retainer profile fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing Retainers.

  • Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Retainers module.

  • Close Retainer Period - Allow members/person to close existing Retainer Periods.

  • Contributor Access - Ability to add, edit and remove contributors from existing Retainer.

  • Convert Retainer Type - Ability to convert existing Retainer to different Retainer type.

  • Create Retainer Periods - Ability to create Retainer Periods.

  • Delete Retainer Period - Allow members/person to delete existing Retainer Periods.

  • Edit Retainer Period - Ability to edit existing Retainer Periods.

  • Export Retainer - Ability to export the Retainers list.

  • Export Retainer Period - Ability to export the Retainer Periods list.

  • Manage & Approval Time - Access to the Retainer module's manage and approve tool.

  • Process Retainer Profile - Ability to edit Retainer profile whose editable setting is 'process' only.

  • Progress Retainer - Ability to update the status of existing Retainers.

  • Relocate Retainer - Ability to relocate an existing Retainer to another Company.

  • Reopen Retainer Period - Ability to reopen closed Retainer Periods.

  • Retainer Period Invoice - Ability to create invoice for Retainer Periods.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for Retainers.

  • Admin Retainer Profile - Ability to edit Retainer profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Bulk Delete Retainers - Ability to bulk delete from the list Retainers screen.

  • Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove Retainer progressions.

Retainers Executive Group

  • General Retainers Executive Group - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions

  • Retainer Cost And Profit - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.
  • Cost And Profit - Ability to view Retainer cost and profit information.


Invoices & Payments

Invoices & Payments - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions


  • General Invoices - This option indicates general access to each item. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all invoices and receipts.

  • Add - Ability to create invoices on modules they have access to.

  • Bulk Invoicing - Ability to invoice for Company in bulk.

  • Edit - Ability to modify the details of the invoices they can view.

  • Edit Invoice Profile - Ability to edit custom invoice fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Delete - Ability to delete invoices.

  • Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Billing module.

  • Edit Invoice Receipt - Ability to edit receipts.

  • Export Invoices - Ability to export invoices via the invoice list.

  • Export Receipts - Ability to export receipts from the receipt list.

  • Process Invoice Profile - Ability to edit custom invoice fields whose editable setting is 'process' only.

  • Process Invoice Statements - Ability to preview and send Invoice statements.

  • Receive Invoice Payment - Ability to record manual invoice payment.

  • Send Invoices - Ability to send invoices.

  • Send Receipt Notification - Ability to include client notification when recording payment.

  • Admin - Access to configure account and tax codes.

  • Admin Invoice Profile - Ability to edit custom invoice fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.

  • Import Invoices & Payments - Ability to use the Invoice CSV Import and Payment CSV Import


  • General Purchase - This option indicates general access to each item. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all Purchases.

  • Add - Ability to create Purchases on modules they have access to.

  • Edit - Ability to modify the details of the Purchases they can view.

  • Edit Purchase Profile - Ability to edit custom Purchase fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing Purchases.

  • Process - Toggle for full permissions for the Purchases module.

  • Export Purchases - Ability to export Purchases via the Purchase list.

  • Process Purchase Profile - Ability to edit custom profile fields whose editable setting is 'process' only.

  • Send Purchases - Ability to send Purchases.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for Purchases.

  • Admin Purchase Profile - Ability to edit custom profile fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.


  • General Expenses - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all expenses.

  • Add - Ability to create new expenses.

  • Edit - Ability to edit expenses.

  • Delete - Ability to delete expenses.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the expenses module.

  • Approve Or Decline - Approve or decline expenses.

  • Reimburse - Reimburse expenses.
  • Export Expense - Ability to export expense lists.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for expenses.

  • View Expense Types - Ability to view expense types.
  • Add Expense Types - Ability to add expense types.
  • Edit Expense Types - Ability to edit expense types.
  • Delete Expense Types - Ability to view remove types.


Material & Items

  • Materials & Items - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions


  • General Items - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all Items.

  • Add - Ability to create new Items.

  • Edit - Ability to edit Items.

  • Delete - Ability to delete Items.
  • Process -  Toggle for full process permissions for the Items module.

  • Import - Ability to import Items


  • General Material - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all Materials.

  • Add - Ability to create new Materials.

  • Edit - Ability to edit Materials.

  • Delete - Ability to delete Materials.

  • Process -  Toggle for full process permissions for the Material module.

  • Import - Ability to import Materials.



  • General Scheduling - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view other users' schedules in the my schedule and team schedule tools.

  • View My Schedule - Ability to view My Schedule tool.

  • View All Schedules - Ability to view other users' schedules in the My Schedule tool
  • View Schedule Dashboard - Ability to view schedule dashboard.

  • View Team Schedule - Ability to view Team Schedule.



  • General Task - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all Tasks.

  • View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Task extension fields.

  • Add - Ability to create new Tasks.

  • Edit - Ability to edit the title, description, assignee, start-date, due-date, and estimated time of existing Tasks.

  • Edit Manager - Ability to change the manager of existing Tasks.

  • Edit Task Profile - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions.

  • Delete- Access to de-activate existing Tasks.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the Task module.

  • Export Task - Ability to export the Tasks list.

  • Process Task Profile - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions.

  • Progress Task - Ability to update the status of Tasks.

  • Admin - Access to configure the Tasks module of Accelo.

  • Admin Task Profile - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions.

  • Progression Access - Ability to add, edit and remove statuses and progressions in the Task module's configuration menu.



  • General Activities - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view non-private activities.

  • Add - Ability to create new activities.

  • Edit - Ability to edit details of all activities.

  • Delete - Access to delete activities.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the activity module.

  • Export Activities - Ability to export from the activities list.

  • Relocate Activity - Ability to relocate activities.

  • Dashboard - Toggle for all dashboard permissions.

  • Activity Stream - Ability to view the activity stream screen.

  • Templates - Gives general access to each item, does not include detailed permissions
  • Add Shared Template - Ability to add activity templates to a shared category.
  • Edit Shared Template - Ability to edit activity templates in a shared category.
  • Delete Shared Template - Ability to delete activity templates from a shared category.
  • Add Shared Category - Ability to create new shared activity template categories.
  • Edit Shared Category - Ability to edit shared activity template categories.
  • Delete Shared Category - Ability to delete shared activity template categories.
  • Admin - Access to configure the activities module.



  • General Attachments - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view attachments.

  • Add - Ability to upload new attachments.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing attachments.

  • Edit Attachments Profile - Ability to edit custom attachment fields whose editable setting is 'Edit' only.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing attachments.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the attachments module.

  • Bulk Edit - Ability to edit attachments in bulk.

  • Process Attachments Profile - Ability to edit custom attachments whose editable setting is 'Process' only.

  • Public Visibility - Ability to make attachments visible to Companies via the Company portal.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for attachments.

  • Admin Attachments Profile - Ability to edit custom attachment fields whose editable setting is 'Admin' only.



  • General Triggers - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing triggers.

  • Add - Ability to create new triggers.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing triggers, rules and actions.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for the triggers module.

  • Edit Trigger Status - Ability to edit the status of the existing triggers.

  • Admin - Access to configure the triggers tool.

  • Progression Access - Ability to turn existing triggers on/off.


  • General Divisions - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing divisions.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing divisions.

  • Delete - Access to delete divisions.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for divisions.

  • Add Link - Ability to link a client from the division.

  • Delete Link - Ability to unlink a client to the division.

  • Delete Membership - Access to remove existing clients, contacts and users from existing divisions.

  • Edit Membership - Ability to edit the division-specific details of division users.

  • Join Division - Ability to add new clients, contacts and users to existing divisions.


  • General Segmentations - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view segmentations in configuration.

  • Add - Ability to add new segmentations in configuration.

  • Edit - Ability to re-configure segmentations.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing segmentations.

  • Process - General process access to each item.

  • Admin - Ability to add and change the properties of segmentations.

Custom Fields

  • General Custom Fields - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • Add - Ability to configure new profile fields.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions.

  • Delete - Ability to delete profile fields from configuration.

  • Edit - Ability to edit configuration of profile fields.

  • Process - General process access to each item.

  • View - Ability to view profile fields in admin.


  • General Miscellaneous - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions are given.

  • View - Allow members to view existing countries and states.

  • View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive contributor extension fields.

  • Add - Ability to add new countries and states.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing countries and states.

  • Progression Access - Status progression access for contributors.

  • Delete - Access to delete existing countries.

  • Process - Access to process permissions for countries and states.

  • Progression - Ability to configure status progression for contributors.

  • Admin - Access to admin permissions for countries and states.

  • Delete State - Access to delete existing states.

  • List Countries - Ability to view the countries list.

  • List States - Ability to view the states list.


  • General Signoffs - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view all signoffs.

  • Edit - Ability to edit the existing signoffs.

  • Add - Ability to add a signoff.

  • Delete - Ability to delete a signoff.
  • Process - Ability to send and re-draft a signoff.


  • General Assets - This option indicates general access. It will auto-check if any permissions below are given.

  • View - Ability to view existing Assets.

  • View Sensitive Fields - View sensitive Asset extension fields.

  • Edit - Ability to edit existing Assets.

  • Add - Ability to add a Assets.

  • Delete - Access to delete Assets.

  • Process - Toggle for full process permissions for Assets.

  • Export Asset - Ability to export the Asset list.

  • Relocate Asset - Ability to relocate an Asset.
  • Admin - Admin permissions for Assets.

  • Asset Type Admin - Ability to configure Asset types.

  • Import Assets - Ability to use the CSV Import for Assets.


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