Edit Assets

Your team is busy logging work and managing their schedules, so to ensure that you don't waste time correcting outdated information, it’s important to make sure your data is up to date. 

Using this guide, you can:


Edit Assets

Access the Edit page by clicking on the Edit button at the top of the Asset Page. 

Select Edit Asset to edit all details of the Asset, such as:

  • Title - The name for this specific Asset

  • Status - The state of this Asset, which can be Active or Inactive

  • Asset Contact - The Contact for this particular Asset

  • Asset Manager - The Manager of this particular Asset

  • Custom Fields - The list of configured Custom Fields you’ve set up for your Assets.

Make any necessary changes and then click Save.

Select Edit Permissions to select Users which you would like to have access to this Asset. Search for a User by name to give them specific permission to view this Asset.


Select De-activate Asset to make this Asset inactive.