View a Milestone

Manage all pertinent details of your Milestone, monitor profitability reports, and budget forecasting, and easily assign work from your View Milestone page.

Using this guide, you can:


View Milestone

The Milestone View screen gives you a helicopter view of all information relating to this particular milestone in your project. Quickly see the progress of all related tasks, add tasks, log and approve time, manage the milestone budget, and edit all details of this milestone.

Listed across the center of the screen are several sections and tabs containing information to help you manage your Milestone. 



The overview tab shows a few major details and allows you to manage the tasks within this milestone.


  • Description: General description of what work needs to be done for this given Milestone. 

  • Status: Through this drop-down, you can filter by what Status each line item is in.

  • Manager / Assignee: You can filter to see only milestones and tasks for the User chosen.

  • Edit Plan: Quick link to the Project Planning tool. 

  • Add Task: You can add a task that was not originally planned. 

  • Metrics: You can understand each line item by Task 

  • Budget: You can see the Time Budget for this given line item or a cumulative calculated amount from its "children". 

  • Start & Due Dates: You can see the Predicted, Planned, Actual or Forecasted due dates. 

  • Actions: You can quickly start adding an Activity, Logging time or Splitting A Task.


The Insights tab provides a quick snapshot of where your project current stands, and where you are heading. 


  1. Activities vs. Hours: You can track engagement over time based on Activities and how long you spent on them.

  2. Value: You can track the earned value based on billable amount of work done. You can also track the forecasted value if you are/were billing by the hour.

  3. Financials: You can track how close you are to your budget. 

  4. Work: You can get a quick snapshot of the current work in progress, the work done, and the forecasted work remaining. 


Quickly see the most recent activities recorded against the Milestone, including any relevant emails, phone calls, meetings, recorded postal packages and internal notes to help your team keep track of progress.



Work internally or with clients on files related to the Milestone. Accelo allows manual uploads as well as integrations with popular file storage solutions like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. 



Other Features

Milestone Details Section

A quick view of Milestone Details is shown on the left-hand side.


  • Milestone Details

    • Manager: Who is directly responsible individual for this milestone.

    • Duration: Based on the plan, how many days will this milestone last. 

    • Tasks: How many tasks completed / tasks in total.

  • Earned Value: The amount of billable work logged against the milestone

  • Progress: The current progress based on time logged, budgeted and remaining

  • Key Dates: The main start and due dates for a given milestone