Create a Special Process Action

Customize your progressions to prompt the manager to approve time logged, or to prompt your user creating the project to plan the project, or to invoice a project once it’s completed by adding “Special Process” action to your status change.

Of all the Progression Actions available, Special Process is the most unique one available. It allows you to link a process for that object, such as approving an issue, or invoicing for a job, into the progression.

For example, when the project manager changes to "Completion" status, you can prompt the user to review all the time/activities on that job using the Approval process.

Depending on the Object, there are different Special Process values. Please note that there are no special processes for Company and Contact Progressions.

  1. How to create a Special Process action
  2. Special Process for Sale Progressions
  3. Special Process for Project Progressions
  4. Special Process for Ticket Progressions
  5. Special Process for Retainer Progressions

How to create a Special Process action

  1. Find the progression you want to add a Special Process action for, and then select this option from the drop-down list on the right-hand side.

  2. The Create Progression Action Field screen will appear.

Special Process 4

You can then configure the default values for the Special Process, different for each Module, specified below.


Special Process for Sale Progressions

Add Team Members - Add all the internal and external stakeholders involved (the team can be found in the Sale Details section on the View Sale screen)

Complete all Outstanding Tasks - Change the Status of all outstanding Tasks to "Complete".

Cancel all Tasks - Cancel any open Tasks.

Cancel all Outstanding Tasks - Change the Status of all outstanding Tasks to "Cancelled".

Create Project Quote - Create a Quote out of your Sale.

Add Account Managers to Team - You will see the Contributor type drop-down field to choose from.

Special Process for Project Progressions

Open Project Plan - Proceed to plan a project on the Project Plan pop-up screen.

Complete all Outstanding Tasks and Milestones - Change the Status of all outstanding Tasks and Milestones to "Complete".

Cancel all Tasks and Milestones - Change the Status of all Tasks and Milestones to "Cancelled".

Cancel all Outstanding Tasks - Change the Status of all outstanding Tasks to "Cancelled".

Approve Work - Review all the time and activities logged against a job, make any important adjustments and then approve work for invoicing.

Invoice - Begin constructing an Invoice.

Assign Work - Update your project's important details and assign your team work, keeping projects on track and on budget.

Add Team Members - Add all the internal and external stakeholders involved (the team can be found in the Project Details section on the View Project screen). 

Link latest Pending/Active Retainer - Link the most recently created Retainer based on the Created date on the Retainer page.

Link oldest Pending/Active Retainer - Link the oldest created Retainer based on the Created date on the Retainer page.

Create Signoff - You will see the Create Signoff window pop-up.

Add Account Managers to Team - You will see the Contributor type drop-down field to choose from.

Pause all incomplete Milestones and Tasks - Change the Status of all incomplete Tasks and Milestones to "Paused".

Resume all paused Milestones and Tasks - Change the Status of all paused Tasks and Milestones to "Active".

Special Process for Ticket Progressions

Unassign Ticket - Drop the current Assignee of a Ticket.

Assign Ticket - Assign a Ticket to your team member on the pop-up screen.

Claim Ticket - Whoever changes the status is being assigned to a Ticket.

Link latest Pending/Active Retainer - Link the most recently created Retainer based on the Created date on the Retainer page.

Link oldest Pending/Active Retainer - Link the oldest created Retainer based on the Created date on the Retainer page.

Create Signoff - You will see the Create Signoff window pop-up.

Cancel all Tasks - Cancel any open Tasks.

Cancel all Outstanding Tasks - Change the Status of all outstanding Tasks to "Cancelled".

Set Rate & Budget - Select whether to track hours or the fees/costs as well.

Add Team Members - Add all the internal and external stakeholders involved (the team can be found in the Ticket Details section on the View Ticket screen).

Add Account Managers to Team - you will see the Contributor type drop-down field to choose from.

Special Process for Retainer Progressions

Close Current Open Period - Close the latest created Period in the Open Status.

Close Oldest Expired Period - Close the oldest created, outdated Period in the Open Status.

Create Period - Create a new Retainer Period.

Approve Work - Review all the time and activities logged against a job, make any important adjustments and then approve work for invoicing.

Add Account Managers to Team - you will see the Contributor type drop-down field to choose from.