Errors related to Ad Blocker Plugins

Under the hood, Accelo uses the term affiliation to describe the relationship between a company and a contact. This simple piece of nomenclature can cause issues with some ad-blocking browser extensions, as they wrongly suspect that we are sending or receiving data from affiliated advertising websites.

The result is that, when working with the contact list, view contact or edit contact, you might see the "Request Failed" error, or possibly just the smaller warning in the top right corner.

adblocker yepThe solution is to simply whitelist * in the settings of your browser's adblock plugin (or extension).

Note: If you already have your domain - e.g. - whitelisted, and you are seeing these errors again, we suggest trying to update your whitelist as per the above (since * will cover more web requests).

You could also try the following:
1. Remove the entry from the whitelist.
2. Reload your browser and trigger the error/warning again.
3. Open the menu for your ad-block extension, and select something along the lines of "Disable ad-blocking for this site".

However, if none of these options work for you, you may need to completely turn-off the ad-blocker while using Accelo.