Keep your company records up to date, track and easily change the Company Status with the click of a button.
Using this guide, you can:
Let your team know whether your Lead gets turned into a sale or an active client. If you have lost the account, easily change the company to inactive.
To update a company's status, use the Status drop-down menu in the menu bar.
You may also manually change the status on the Edit Company page.
To edit any information that may be outdated with your company, click the Edit pencil Icon from the top menu bar on the View Company page. You are able to change many of the details entered when the company was created.The Primary Contact is used as the default when performing a number of actions in Accelo. Use the Contacts tab back on the View Company screen to find and edit individual contact details
Similarly, you can adjust the default/primary address, and addresses can be changed from the Address tab.
If the field you are looking for doesn't appear in the edit company page, try the Company Details section in the left column on the View Company screen.
To edit or delete an address, click from the details tab locations box, select the 3 dot icon and choose which option you want.
Note: If you are deleting an address from a company and there are contacts using that address, you will be asked to select an alternate address for those contacts.
To add an address, from the details tab locations box, select the + icon. Fill out the details on the next page.