Account Managers & Private Relationships

Accelo version

Keep track of which staff are responsible for which clients with Accelo’s Relationships feature. Your Relationship status allows you to keep track of your clients, receive notifications of actions taken on their account, stay copied on your team's correspondence with important clients, and set your client conversations to private.

Using this guide, you can:

Account Managers on Company Accounts

Easily mark a user an Account Manager for a Company on your account, and give them the opportunity to stay up to date on all logged activities and correspondence with the company contacts. When you are assigned as an Account Manager, you can be automatically CC'd on a range of interactions with that company.

When viewing a Company, you can see the staff who are configured as Account Managers under the Client Details section in the left column.


Managing Account Managers

Add an Account Manager:

  1. From the top menu click the current manager or the + Add button if there is no current manager.

  2. Check the box next to each manager you wish to add.

Delete Account Managers:

  1. To delete any of the Account Managers simply uncheck their name.

Once assigned as an Account Manager, you can easily update your User Notifications to be CC’d on a range of activities in Accelo.


To update your User Notifications:

  1. Click your User Profile Icon and select Preferences. Scroll down on this page to view your Notification Settings.

  2. Under Notification Settings, find the line marked When you manage the client the object is against.

  3. Use the On/Off buttons to update your preferences and then click Save from the bottom to confirm

accelo. manager notification Preferences 

Private Relationships

There are other types of relationships which can be established with a company, each of which have their own rules and functionality within Accelo.

A. Confidential Relationship

Create a Confidential group relationship to keep communication with a client confidential to other users outside of the defined user group. This relationship ensures that anyone outside the confidential user group will not be able to see any of their shared client communication. Of course, if an email is received by a staff member who is in multiple groups, then the activity that is created will be visible to all of the members across those groups.

Create a Confidential individual relationship with a company so that all communication between contacts at that company and the individual are marked as confidential - meaning other users can see the email/call took place, but they can't view the contents.

An additional feature of the confidential privacy setting is when it is coupled with Confidential Profile Fields. These are custom fields on a company or contact record which have been configured as confidential. The user accessing this company/contact record must have a confidential relationship with the company/contact to have visibility of these fields.


Managing Relationship Privacy (Available in v3 only currently; Launch Classic view to edit)

Privacy Relationships can be viewed and created under the Overview and Details sections of Company and Contact pages.. Please keep in mind that changes to relationships regarding Privacy do not apply retroactively to any activities. They will only affect activities moving forward.

To add a Relationship:

  1. Click on the + icon within the Your Privacy card.


  2. A pop-up window will appear. Here you can select:

    All Client Contacts - You want ALL Contacts for the Client to be under a Relationship setting.

    Specific Contacts - You want only particular contacts under the Client for this Relationship

  3. After choosing your Contacts, you would then select your User(s) or Group(s) in the Relationship.

  4. Select your Relationship Type:

    Confidential - Allow users outside the relationship to see an activity occurred, but no details within the activity.

    Secret - Allow users outside the relationship no visibility of the activity.

  5. Hit Save to complete the Relationship.



To delete a Relationship:

  1. Click on a member in a Private Relationship.

  2. If they are in a Secret Relationship, change them to a Confidential Relationship. Note - we require the extra step from Secret Relationships to Confidential to delete because Secret Relationships tend to be highly confidential or sensitive.

  3. There will be an trash can icon next to their name in the pop up window to delete.