View a Contact

Accelo version

Access and edit all your contacts, update contact details, quickly find any related work, search through ongoing messages, and reference all team correspondence in one convenient location.

Using this guide, you can:

View Contact

The Contact View screen provides you a helicopter view of all work, tasks, and activities across all modules in Accelo related to this client. Quickly see the progress of the most recent activity, invoice history, work, and the general details of the Contact and their related Company or Companies.


View Contact Details

Listed across the center of the screen are several tabs containing information to help you manage your Contact: 


Quickly view all entered contact details such as company info, a summary, custom profile fields, recent interactions, status history, and tags.



Quickly see the most recent activities recorded against this contact that involve them in some way.  

Use the Search & Filter bar to easily find previous meetings, logged calls, or emails between any user in Accelo and this contact.

Related Work

See a segmented list of work details that have been associated with this contact on the Related tab. This list includes any object where this contact was allocated the main point of contact, including a quick click link for all ongoing Requests, Sales, Projects, Tickets, and Retainers.

You can also quickly add new work by clicking the +icon next to each Module, or the + Related icon and selecting the object.



Store and locate files related to the Contact. Add new files by clicking + Attachment



See all invoices & Purchases created for work related to this contact in one place. If you need to add an invoice, click the + icon.



Log Time, Send Message & Create Events

Use the appropriate button to either Log time, Send a Message, or Create event. Clicking each option will launch a drawer from the right-hand-side of the screen. 

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