Guides User Guide Modules Sales Quotes Quote Templates Create & Edit Quote Templates

Create & Edit Quote Templates

Create and Edit Quotes Templates to mitigate valuable time for your Sales team when you send out your proposals. 

Using this guide, you can understand each part of a Quote Template:

Title & Code Defaults

The first step in creating a Quote Template is managing the overall details. Below is an image for a template with the title of "Demo Quote Template". 

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  1. Template Title: The internal name of your Quote Template. This is not the name the Client will see on your Quotes.
  2. Default Material Items Code: The code you want automatically applied to materials you add into the Quote plan.
  3. Default Service Items Code: The code you want automatically applied to services you add into the Quote plan.
  4. Default Expiry: The number of days from the creation date this Quote will expire in. 


When you create Quote Templates, you can choose to prepopulate each part of your Quote body. This allows you to have general templates for your Introduction, Conclusion, and Terms & Conditions.

All three parts will populate onto your Quote PDF presented to your Client, or not. It's up to how you want to configure your PDF and the merge fields available.  

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We allow for the flexibility of rich text, inserting images, and basic html. Utilizing these features with our Merge Fields can give you a truly personalized template. 



Defaults & Email Template

The Defaults & Email Template section of your QuoteTemplate allows you to define what information you'll be presenting the Client in your email. This is the automated email that occurs when you utilize the Publish & Send option. 

Default email subject and body

Similar to creating a conventional email, you're going to predefine your Subject & Body for the email that will be sent to your Client whenever you "Publish & Send" your Quote. 

Note: You can opt not to utilize this email template whatsoever. When creating a quote, simply choose to Publish only (and not send). You can then just download your PDF and email it to the Client manually with whatever message you wish. 

Once you have completed the basics of template, click Create if you're done. However,we do encourage you to Preview & Edit PDF to customize the default template of your PDF. You can do this by clicking on this icon at the bottom right of the page.

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Merge Fields

Use the Merge Fields to insert specific information about your company, the client's company, or the quote itself into the the body of your templates. These will be automatically filled in for each quote you make. Learn more about the Merge Fields.

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Click on the Merge Field to copy it to your clipboard so you can easily paste it into the invoice PDF template.