Listing Templates

View and manage your list of Quote templates to ensure that they are accurate.

Using this guide, you can:


Manage your Quote Templates 

Over time, you may have a long list of Quote Templates that you may be using. Using the List Templates screen you can manage them!

To view your list of Quote Templates:

  1. Click the Settings button at the bottom of the Navigation bar.
  2. Select Quotes and choose Quote Templates.

    Change Quote Templates 
  3. This will pull up the List Quotes Templates page where you'll find your list of current active Invoice Templates.

There are a variety of details available on this list, which you can use to keep track of and manage your Templates:

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  1. Add Quote Template: Click this button to start the process of adding a Quote Template.
  2. Quote Templates: Below are all the different quote templates that have already been created (note: some of them might be created by default). 
  3. Search Title: Search for a Quote Template by title. 
  4. Clone: Clone an existing Quote Template.
  5. Edit: Edit an existing Quote Template.
  6. Delete: Delete an existing Quote Template.