View Work in Team Scheduling (Premium)

See the relevant details on your tasks before you assign them. Easily view all your open Tasks associated with Projects, Tickets, Sales, and Retainer Periods. Sort and find a task, view how long it will take, and see when it's due to understand what is required to complete it.

Note: This feature is available for Premium Licenses only. 

Using this guide, you can:



How your work data appears

Each tab at the top of the work list shows a different list using default filters. Learn more about How to sort your Work using filters.

Tab filter defaults are:

  • By default, the "Task" tab is made up of all open Tasks associated with Projects, Sales, Tickets, and Periods that have a Due Date within the next 2 weeks. Open tasks are any tasks with the standing Pending, Accepted, or Started. 

    These tasks are listed based upon their budgeted time estimates and due dates, with the nearest due dates listed at the top.  Learn more about Time Budgeting and Due Dates.

  • By default, the "Projects" tab is made up of only Projects where you are the manager, and have a standing of either Pending or Active.

  • By default, the "Tickets" tab is made up of all Tickets with a standing of Submitted or Open. 

  • By default, the "Sales" tab shows all Sales, regardless of standing or manager.

  • By default, the "Periods" tab shows all Retainer Periods, regardless of standing or manager.


How to sort your Work

Sort your work in a filterable list in order to easily find the task you want to assign. Use the Filters button to apply your personal filters. Learn more about creating personal Filters.

Alternatively, click the Edit button to easily sort your list.

To sort your Work List:

  1. Click the Edit button at the top of the list.

    Edit Team Schedule 
  2. Filter the list of work to be done. The following example shows the filters for Tasks:

    Hide Team Schedule
  3. Your Filter Options include: 

    • Status: The current Status of the Task (Pending, Accepted, Started, Complete, or Inactive).

    • Due Date: Enter the Due Date of the Task into the drop down window.


    • Against: Select the type of object that the Task is logged Against (Company, Period, Ticket, Project, Milestone, or Sale).

    • Manager: Select the name of the Manager of the Task.

    • Assignee: Select the name of the user the Task is assigned to. 

    • Skills: Select any Skills which are required for the Task.

    • Tags: Select Tags that apply to the Task.

    • Start: Enter the Start Date of the Task into the drop down window.

    • Standing: The current Standing of the Task (Pending, Accepted, Started, Complete, Inactive).



How to read your list of Work

See all your work's relevant details to ensure that you are assigning the right job to the right user

Your work details include:

  • Title: The name of the Task, Project, Ticket, etc.

Task Title 

  • Status: The current Status of the Task, Project, Ticket, etc.

Task Status  

  • Against which Project, Milestone, Company, or Retainer the work is associated:

Task Against2

  • Current Assignee: Who is assigned this work. If it has not yet been assigned, this will be listed as "Unassigned".

Task Assigned 

  • Due Date: See the Due Date on a task if its been assigned. Tasks will be sorted so that the work due soonest is listed first.

Task Due   

  • Remaining time: See the Time Remaining on a task if it's been assigned. This remaining time is the estimated budgeted time left to complete the Task.

Task Remaining  

  • Click Task Title to view task details: See the Task View listing all details of the work by clicking on its Title. Learn more under Task Basics.

Task Details

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